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Trip Reports So much fun in BA!


New member
Hi, I just returned from beautiful Buenos Aires and I feel an obligation to share with all of you the wonderful experience that was Argentina, I am completely in love with Buenos Aires Wow! I rented an apartment in recoleta, through airbnb apartments, the guys were great and the apartment was perfect!
While I was there, I contacted people from a website (https://mapabsasgay.com.ar/) to recommend fun activities for gay people, so we went on a night tour to get to know for the first time the gay nightlife in BA. It was one of the best tours I have ever had. We went to different gay bars and clubs, with the best performances and the hottest guys!
Tip, take a nap before going out, everything happens too late in BA!!! we finished the night tour around 6:30 am having breakfast in one of those traditional BA confiterias on Santa Fe Avenue.
My last Sunday, I was treated to a day of sailing on the Rio de La Plata. It was also another memorable experience, seeing the city from the river, visiting the Tigre Islands and meeting people from other countries. Thank you guys for such a wonderful time.
I am already planning my next trip to BA and also a tour that I couldn't join this time but for sure on my next trip, the gay gaucho party!
The cultural life and the shopping!!! a lot, of course. 20 days very well "squeezed".