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Politics There will be a national transportation strike on May 6: it will affect planes, trains, subways and ports - Infobae

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There will be a national transportation strike on May 6: it will affect planes, trains, subways and ports - Infobae​



April 30, 2024

The CATT called for a measure that will last between 8 and 11 in the morning. It is in rejection of the possible return of the Income Tax and the Bases Law

The operation of air transport, subways, trains and maritime and airport services will be affected by the force measure

In the midst of the approval of the “ Bases Law ” in the Chamber of Deputies , the transport unions announced a national strike for next Monday, May 6 , which will affect air, land, maritime and port services throughout the country. It will be in rejection of the possible relegation of the fourth category of the Income tax - included in the fiscal package - and the sanction of the mother rule promoted by President Javier Milei .

We are going to hold simultaneous assemblies on the 6th in almost all modes of transport, in the range from 8 to 11 in the morning ,” confirmed the deputy general secretary of the Argentine Confederation of Transport Workers (CATT), Juan Carlos Schmid. .

The union leader stated that the union action will have “consequences on the subways, on airplanes, on cargo transportation and all operations, the supply of hydrocarbons, grain shipments and dredging and beacon services.” he listed.

According to Schmid, the measure is “in rejection of the Income Tax” for the aforementioned salary category, which would be reestablished under the name of Personal Income Tax , but that the protest reaches “the entire Bases Law and the content of the DNU which in our opinion affects the constitutional right to freedom of association.”

The CATT brings together around thirty transport unions from all over the country and is headed by the head of the Railway Union, Sergio Sasia . Included in this group are the Hugo and Pablo Moyano Truck Drivers Guild, the APLA and Aeronavegantes pilots , the ASSIM motorcycle drivers , the SOMU maritime workers , the overseas captains , the toll workers ( SUTPA ), the SUPA port workers. , merchant marine employees , naval workers , dredging and beacon workers, winches, signalmen, road workers, among others. Recently, the subway metro delegates joined.

The resolved measure does not include the UTA bus drivers , led by its general secretary Roberto Fernández. This union is part of another confederation of alternative transport unions, the UGATT, which does not have a good relationship with Hugo and Pablo Moyano, including the railway drivers of La Fraternidad , by Omar Maturano, and the Camioneros de Santa Fe, by Sergio. Aladio.

The CATT steering committee, led by Sergio Sasia (Railway Union) and Juan Carlos Schmid (Dredging and Beaconing)

Schmid said today in statements to Radio Con Vos that “historically we have questioned” the point of the Income Tax. “We have fought for ten years, we believe that salaries should not be taxed,” he remarked.

“Furthermore, not only is this situation at stake; We believe that the economic layout is not adequate. The adjustment is not adequate, the cut in fiscal accounts for only one of the sectors, which are employees, retirees and the most vulnerable sectors of the country,” added the leader.

The national measure of the transport unions on May 6 is incorporated into the intense agenda of actions of the unions of the labor confederations, which tomorrow will mobilize to the Monument to Work, on Paseo Colón Avenue, for International Workers' Day, and the national strike on May 9 called by the CGT, the two CTA and the social movements.

In this context of union actions against Javier Milei's economic measures, the Oilers union announced yesterday the beginning of a "fight plan" in conjunction with the local union of San Lorenzo (SOEA), which includes a strike at the plants oil companies and ginners in the country for an indefinite period for decent wages and working conditions for the entire working class and in rejection of the Base Law.

In the statement, the Federation of Workers of the Oilseed Industrial Complex, Cotton Ginners and Related Workers of the Argentine Republic reported that the Government "intends to impose a regressive Labor Reform with outsourcing, labor fraud, ease of discriminatory dismissals, reinstatement of the Income Tax and privatizations of state companies and resources that are the heritage of the entire Argentine people.”

The vote on the approval of the "Bases Law" in the Chamber of Deputies (Adrián Escándar)