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Politics The Government ratified that the DNU “is in force” and anticipated a “long procedure” in the Supreme Court - Infobae


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The Government ratified that the DNU “is in force” and anticipated a “long procedure” in the Supreme Court - Infobae


January 03, 2024

The Attorney General of the Treasury, Rodolfo Barra, stated that the decree works “like a law.” He confirmed that the arguments against it “sound a little ridiculous.” He also gave details of the situation of the trial in the United States for the expropriation of YPF.

The Attorney General of the Treasury confirmed that the DNU that deregulates the economy is in full force
The Attorney General of the Treasury, Rodolfo Barra, ratified today that the Decree of Necessity and Urgency that deregulates the economy, signed days ago, It is fully in force and its mandatory compliance “is like a law.”

In addition, he once again rejected the protections presented against the norm and anticipated that there will be “a long process” in the Supreme Court regarding the recourse presented last week by the province from La Rioja.

The DNU is in force, it is as if it were a law, it is in full force. It is questioned in the courts, but the fair is not going to be enabled, the Court has already decided,” said Barra.

In dialogue with the journalist Oscar González Oro on radio El Observador, the Treasury attorney explained that all the protections that arise will be dealt with by Judge Esteban Furnari since he was the first magistrate who admitted to treating a presentation collectively. In any case, Barra clarified that this can be modified if an injunction appears that raises “a personal grievance.”

Different is what happened with the protection presented by the province of La Rioja, which went directly to the Supreme Court, who gave it action but did not enable the judicial fair to deal with it. Given this, Barra announced that in that case there will be “a long process.”

Javier Milei during his speech in front of the Plaza del Congreso after his inauguration as president. Photo: Telam

“The Court already has it, and that case is not affected by this court because the province of La Rioja initiated direct action. The provinces have the possibility of going directly to the Court as original jurisdiction. And so the province did, stating that there is no need or urgency. The Court decided not to open the fair, so it will be discussed from February. There is going to be a long process,” he explained.

“Today the DNU is absolutely in force and does not differ in any way in terms of the obligatory nature of compliance like any law,” added the Treasury attorney, who also reiterated that “l the protections do not touch anything substantial. Maintaining that we are not in need and urgency sounds a bit ridiculous.”

The trial in the United States for the expropriation of YPF​

On the other hand, Barra was consulted about the trial that the Argentine State faces in New York for the expropriation of YPF thatcarried out the then Government of Cristina Kirchner in 2012.

“The State appealed and has until February 22 to file the appeal. The requirement to give YPF shares as collateral is so that the sentence of the first instance judge no longer has executory effects. We are working with the appeal,” she explained.

This is a multi-million dollar trial in which the Argentine State was already sentenced to pay USD 16,000 million for having improperly retained the majority shareholding of the oil company in 2012, when Cristina Kirchner was president.

Last week, the New York Court of Appeals granted Argentina an extension until February 22 to present the first arguments against the ruling. The original appointment was for January, but the legal representatives of Argentina had requested an extension of the deadline, taking into account that Milei only took office on December 10.

The president has said that he is willing to comply with all his obligations. There is an impediment because the law that declared the expropriation of those shares prohibits their negotiation or transfer under any title. There is a drawback for Argentine law. In any case, we continue with the appeal process and we hope that this figure will be substantially reduced. The YPF thing cost us dearly,” Barra closed today.
Let's make deal. Yes? If things in March/April work I stop talking bad about Milei. If they are worse you admit you are wrong. It sounds fair to me. Deal?
I sincerely want to see things go well for Argentina. But I hope he takes the bet and also that things improve quickly for Argentina. But not sure things will improve any time soon. Looks like the blue dollar will start going back up. It would be very sweet not to hear you complain about Milei again @Avocado if he takes the bet!