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  1. Sunny

    Milei was right, the Central Bank was a complete disaster.

    (Chrome translation of https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/05/10/el-banco-central-sincero-una-perdida-multimillonaria-en-2023/) The Central Bank revealed a multimillion-dollar loss in 2023 The monetary organization presented its balance sheet for last year, where it stated that it had a loss...
  2. All the Answers

    Politics Milei arrived in Los Angeles to give a talk about the economy and advance a common agenda with Musk - Infobae

    Milei arrived in Los Angeles to give a talk about the economy and advance a common agenda with Musk - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/05/05/milei-llega-a-los-angeles-para-dar-una-charla-sobre-economia-y-avanzar-en-una-agenda-comun-con-musk/ May 05, 2024 The president...
  3. All the Answers

    Politics The Government made official the transfer of the Trust Fund administered by the social movements to the Ministry of Economy - Infobae

    The Government made official the transfer of the Trust Fund administered by the social movements to the Ministry of Economy - Infobae Source...
  4. All the Answers

    Economy Green and yellow lights of the economy, the question about the stocks and Congress: business thermometer at the Libertad Foundation - Infobae

    Green and yellow lights of the economy, the question about the stocks and Congress: business thermometer at the Libertad Foundation - Infobae Source...
  5. All the Answers

    Politics Javier Milei once again criticized the political class and Congress for not giving him tools, but he celebrated the economic direction - Infobae

    Javier Milei once again criticized the political class and Congress for not giving him tools, but he celebrated the economic direction - Infobae Source...
  6. E

    Economy Will good times finally come for the economy?

    "The government is promoting a regime of greater freedom to import, considering that the greater supply of products will also help to lower inflation, especially in tradable products such as food and clothing. The fall in the real exchange rate also boosts purchases of imported products." This...
  7. All the Answers

    Economy The IMF praised Argentina's "impressive" progress and estimated that the economy will fall 2.8% and that inflation will be 150% - Infobae

    The IMF praised Argentina's "impressive" progress and estimated that the economy will fall 2.8% and that inflation will be 150% - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/04/16/el-fmi-estimo-que-este-ano-la-economia-argentina-caera-28-y-la-inflacion-llegara-al-150-por-ciento/...
  8. All the Answers

    Politics Tension in front of the Ministry of Economy due to the protest of state workers against layoffs - Infobae

    Tension in front of the Ministry of Economy due to the protest of state workers against layoffs - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/04/05/ate-realizara-hoy-un-nuevo-paro-nacional-y-responsabilizo-al-gobierno-por-la-falta-de-acuerdos/ April 05, 2024 The Government...
  9. BuySellBA

    Real Estate News In the midst of the adjustment of the economy, is it advisable to invest in well-situated homes? - Infobae

    In the midst of the adjustment of the economy, is it advisable to invest in well-situated homes? - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/04/03/en-medio-del-ajuste-de-la-economia-conviene-invertir-en-viviendas-en-pozo/ April, 3, 2024 The acquisition of units under...
  10. All the Answers

    Economy Construction: one of the “tractors” of the economy is slowing down and companies are holding on waiting for an improvement - Infobae

    Construction: one of the “tractors” of the economy is slowing down and companies are holding on waiting for an improvement - Infobae Source...
  11. All the Answers

    Politics Today the Senate debates the mega DNU that deregulates the economy, in a climate of uncertainty and tension - Infobae

    Today the Senate debates the mega DNU that deregulates the economy, in a climate of uncertainty and tension - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/03/14/el-senado-debate-hoy-el-mega-dnu-que-desregula-la-economia-en-un-clima-de-incertidumbre-y-tension/ March 14, 2024 After...
  12. All the Answers

    Economy The economy in “V”, the end of the stocks and the inflation that persists: the concerns of businessmen for the coming months - Infobae

    The economy in “V”, the end of the stocks and the inflation that persists: the concerns of businessmen for the coming months - Infobae Source...
  13. All the Answers

    Politics Villarruel incorporated the mega DNU that deregulates the economy into the session that the Senate will hold this Thursday - Infobae

    Villarruel incorporated the mega DNU that deregulates the economy into the session that the Senate will hold this Thursday - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/03/12/villarruel-incorporara-el-mega-dnu-que-desregula-la-economia-a-la-sesion-que-hara-este-jueves-el-senado/...
  14. W

    Politics According to the Financial Times, Milei says he doesn't need Congress to save the economy - Infobae

    According to the Financial Times, Milei says he doesn't need Congress to save the economy - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/02/29/segun-el-financial-times-milei-dice-que-no-necesita-al-congreso-para-salvar-la-economia/ February 29, 2024 The President spoke to the...
  15. C

    Politics The Government will give control of the trust funds to the Ministry of Economy and Luis Caputo continues to gain power - Infobae

    The Government will give control of the trust funds to the Ministry of Economy and Luis Caputo continues to gain power - Infobae Source...
  16. dark

    Politics Piqueteros will march again this week to the Ministry of Economy to demand for the soup kitchens and reject the adjustment - Infobae

    Piqueteros will march again this week to the Ministry of Economy to demand for the soup kitchens and reject the adjustment - Infobae Source...
  17. W

    Politics Milei's fight with the governors impacted the Senate and the DNU that deregulated the economy could be rejected - Infobae

    Milei's fight with the governors impacted the Senate and the DNU that deregulated the economy could be rejected - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/02/26/la-pelea-de-milei-con-los-gobernadores-impacto-en-el-senado-y-el-dnu-que-desregulo-la-economia-podria-ser-rechazado/...
  18. Peterpan

    Politics Virtual tie in the Bicameral that will analyze the validity of the DNU that deregulates the economy: who are the four key votes - Infobae

    Virtual tie in the Bicameral that will analyze the validity of the DNU that deregulates the economy: who are the four key votes - Infobae Source...
  19. R

    Politics Despite the recess, Congress will have 48 hours of tension due to the mega DNU that deregulates the economy - Infobae

    Despite the recess, Congress will have 48 hours of tension due to the mega DNU that deregulates the economy - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/02/21/a-pesar-del-receso-el-congreso-tendra-48-horas-de-tension-por-el-mega-dnu-que-desregula-la-economia/ February 21, 2024...
  20. C

    Politics Kirchnerism pressures for the Bicameral to begin dealing with the DNU that deregulates the economy - Infobae

    Kirchnerism pressures for the Bicameral to begin dealing with the DNU that deregulates the economy - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/02/20/el-kirchnerismo-presiona-para-que-la-bicameral-empiece-a-tratar-el-dnu-que-desregula-la-economia/ February 20, 2024 Senators and...