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Politics The dialogueists press for the retirement formula, but the ruling party remains firm and waits for the debate on the Omnibus Law - Infobae

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The dialogueists press for the retirement formula, but the ruling party remains firm and waits for the debate on the Omnibus Law - Infobae​



March 20, 2024

This Thursday the Social Security Commission in Deputies will meet. From HCF they proposed working in plenary with the Budget, but Espert rejected the idea

By Federico Millenaar

Social Security Commission

This Thursday the Social Security Commission of the Chamber of Deputies will begin to work on seven projects with parliamentary status to modify the formula for updating pensions . The dialogue opposition seeks to advance the debate on retirements so that it is not framed within the Omnibus Law. In that sense, they assure that retirees cannot continue waiting while inflation liquidates their assets. However, so far the ruling party has managed to manage the times successfully.

Two weeks ago We Make the Federal Coalition tried to force a special session but did not reach a quorum thanks to the Casa Rosada's negotiations with the governors. Then they tried to set a deadline - first week of April - to give a ruling to the Social Security and Budget commissions. For this they needed José Luis Espert , head of the Budget, to accept that both bodies function in plenary (simultaneously), but the request was rejected by the brand new member of the libertarian bloc, who made it clear that it will comply with the schedule proposed by the House Pink.

“The response to the difficult situation that Argentine retirees are experiencing cannot be postponed any longer,” said radical deputy Gabriela Brouwer de Koning , when convening the Social Security commission for this Thursday. She had the support of the head of the radical bloc, Rodrigo de Loredo , who also urged the Government to enable the debate.


The publication of Gabriela Brouwer de Koning

In the next commission meeting, half a dozen projects will begin to be analyzed, among which those of Juan Manuel López of the Civic Coalition, that of María Eugenia Vidal , of the PRO, and that of Danya Tavela , of the radicalism sector aligned with Martín, stand out. Lousteau. The projects of Gisela Marziotta, from Unión por la Patria, Pedro Galimberti, from the UCR, Alejandra Torres, from HCF, and María Sotolano, from the PRO, also have parliamentary status.

In general, all projects contemplate an update based on the INDEC Consumer Price Index, in contrast to the current formula that combines RIPTE and collection (not ideal for contexts of very high inflation). The update by IPC was also proposed by the ruling party in the first version of the Omnibus Law, but the change in formula would be implemented as of April 1. The problem lies in the “junction” between the two formulas, which is why the projects of the dialogue blocs include some type of compensation for inflation in December and January.

At the request of the Minister of Economy Luis “Toto” Caputo, the ruling party contemplated a compensation of 10% corresponding to January, but since that month inflation exceeded 20%, almost the entire opposition group considered it insufficient. The difference represents about USD 2 billion.

For the moment, the ruling party remains firm in its position of discussing the retirement formula together with the new version of the Omnibus Law and the fiscal agreement with the provinces. For this reason, governors will also have a key role in seeking consensus or blocking opposition attempts to advance unilaterally.

The dialogue blocks insist that retirees are a priority and will initially seek to advance in the Social Security commission to pressure their Budget peers. However, from Hacemos Coalión Federal they recognized that there are no longer many possibilities of imposing a schedule from Congress.

Yesterday morning, presidential spokesperson Manuel Adorni denied the possibility that the Casa Rosada would apply a new formula by decree this week. But the opposition considers that there is too much time until the second half of April, so they do not rule out that the Government advances along this path in the short term. “We will see some alternative to compensate retirees,” they said in case the new formula arrives by decree.