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Quick question.....how can I determine a banks conversion rate BEFORE I hit the ATM ?.....in addition to the obscene transaction rate, the banks conversion rates are becoming significantly less than the '' official'' rates and the only point I am aware of their '' clip '' is after I get my paltry 2400 pesos......how can I find out beforehand so I can at least minimize the abuse ?????......thanks in advance
There are several banks in the USA that will reimburse ATM fees. Just google "banks that reimburse ATM fees". There are several out there. Without it, you'll get killed on fees. Only being able to withdraw 2,500 pesos at a time and being charged 94 pesos ($6 US) is pretty crazy.
I have an excellent bank and long term banking relationship in the US, and really see no need to change that because the banks here are out of control.....I don't understand how an off-site financial institution can reimburse another bank for fees that are excessive, far beyond the industry norm, and collected in abuse of standard banking protocols......Hi, Gracielle.....you are right, but only to a point....Macri has gutted the country's reserves to cull favor with his financial overlords....in return, the banks can now charge ungodly fees, excessive interest, brokerage fees, servicing fees, unchallenged operating fees ( including executive compensation) for the bonds they are dumping into the market as a result of Macri's fiscal abdication.....so yes, the situation was not ideal prior to Macri, but he has sold the country out and enhanced the banks at the country's expense......Internationally, Macri is viewed as a chump..., and, under his watch, Argentina is a cash cow that they intend to exploit as much as possible