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exchange rate

  1. All the Answers

    Economy Is there an exchange delay? Why the Government denies it and some economists warn about this trend - Infobae

    Is there an exchange delay? Why the Government denies it and some economists warn about this trend - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/05/17/hay-atraso-cambiario-por-que-el-gobierno-lo-niega-y-algunos-economistas-alertan-sobre-esa-tendencia/ May 17, 2024 President...
  2. All the Answers

    Economy The 2% adjustment of the official dollar is once again under scrutiny and the IMF suggested a more flexible exchange rate policy - Infobae

    The 2% adjustment of the official dollar is once again under scrutiny and the IMF suggested a more flexible exchange rate policy - Infobae Source...
  3. All the Answers

    Economy Dollar: the Government maintains the 2% monthly adjustment in May and there is downward pressure on financial prices - Infobae

    Dollar: the Government maintains the 2% monthly adjustment in May and there is downward pressure on financial prices - Infobae Source...
  4. All the Answers

    Economy Dollar fever eases in Milei’s Argentina... good news? - Buenos Aires Times

    Dollar fever eases in Milei’s Argentina... good news? - Buenos aires Times Source: https://batimes.com.ar/news/economy/dollar-fever-eases-in-mileis-argentina-good-news.phtml March 11, 2024 Appetite for dollars in Argentina as a shelter against inflation is falling under Milei’s government...
  5. All the Answers

    Economy What's coming for the dollar: 6 conditions to lift the exchange rate - Infobae

    What's coming for the dollar: 6 conditions to lift the exchange rate - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/03/10/lo-que-viene-para-el-dolar-6-condiciones-para-levantar-el-cepo-cambiario/ March 10, 2024 President Milei promised to eliminate the control scheme “as soon as...
  6. All the Answers

    Economy What is going to happen to the dollar?: the keys that explain the decline and what experts expect for the coming months - Infobae

    What is going to happen to the dollar?: the keys that explain the decline and what experts expect for the coming months - Infobae Source...
  7. Lili32

    Economy Dollar today live: the free price falls to 995 pesos, at a minimum level so far in 2024 - Infobae

    Dollar today live: the free price falls to 995 pesos, at a minimum level so far in 2024 - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/03/06/dolar-hoy-en-vivo-a-cuanto-operan-todas-las-cotizaciones-minuto-a-minuto-este-miercoles-6-de-marzo/ March 06, 2024 The currency recorded a...
  8. MirelJeffer

    Economy Less brain drain in the tech industry?: How does the smaller exchange rate gap impact talent retention? - Infobae

    Less brain drain in the tech industry?: How does the smaller exchange rate gap impact talent retention? - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/02/26/menos-fuga-de-cerebros-en-la-industria-tech-como-impacta-la-menor-brecha-cambiaria-en-la-retencion-de-talentos/ February...
  9. JennyBack

    Economy What is going to happen to the dollar: is it possible to achieve exchange rate unification by mid-year? - Infobae

    What is going to happen to the dollar: is it possible to achieve exchange rate unification by mid-year? - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/02/26/que-va-a-pasar-con-el-dolar-es-posible-llegar-a-la-unificacion-cambiaria-para-mitad-de-ano/ February 26, 2024 President...
  10. kenobi

    Politics Javier Milei: “At the market exchange rate we are one shot away from dollarizing” - Infobae

    Javier Milei: “At the market exchange rate we are one shot away from dollarizing” - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/02/15/javier-milei-le-respondio-a-cristina-kirchner-por-las-criticas-al-plan-economico-es-de-una-precariedad-conceptual-grosera/ February 15, 2024 The...
  11. TaylorCarlson

    Newcomer Booking Booking exchange rate

    Hi all, I booked a hotel in Buenos Aires on Booking for $200 (one week). I booked it with payment at the establishment. My question is whether on arrival I should pay the $200 at the normal exchange rate or the guy can charge me at the blue if he wants to, or how is the thing. Obviously, I plan...
  12. T

    Economy Dollar still and inflation on the rise: how much the exchange rate lagged since the devaluation - Infobae

    Dollar still and inflation on the rise: how much the exchange rate lagged since the devaluation - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/01/05/dolar-quieto-e-inflacion-en-alza-cuanto-se-atraso-el-tipo-de-cambio-desde-la-devaluacion/ January 05, 2024 The exchange rate jump...
  13. F

    Economy Dollarization of Argentina 101 - Can we agree on what it means and how it would be accomplished?

    Call me stupid but I asked my husband who lived in Argentina many years ago before we got married how this would work and what It means. He just told me they want to change everything to US dollars but told me it would be nearly impossible. I'm trying to do research to understand this as we...
  14. Swowbird

    Any guesses where we think the Blue dollar exchange rate will head in 2024?

    I formally lived in Buenos Aires and I rented out an apartment to a friend for many years. The lease is finally coming off the lease and I don't think I will renew it as I want to come back to Buenos Aires. I recently reconnected with an old amiga and want to visit her as well as some others I...
  15. S

    Banking Significant news about peso exchange rate

  16. Spend Thrift

    Banking ‘You are now free to buy dollars’ – Milei legalises trading at parallel exchange rate

    Yeah. Milei made it so buying and selling US dollars on parallel markets is no longer a crime. https://www.batimes.com.ar/news/economy/milei-you-are-now-free-to-buy-dollars.phtml
  17. James Bond

    Banking What is going on with the Blue dollar? Why is it going down?

    Yesterday I thought they said the blue dollar was going to go up. Instead, it is going down. -https://www.ambito.com/contenidos/dolar.html Does anyone know why the blue dollar went down? It is getting more expensive. I don't want to complain too much as I still got 960 pesos to $1 USD...
  18. Eirin

    Newcomer Warning Credit Card Con

    I visited Buenos Aires from October 26, 2023, to November 16, 2023, and everything went smoothly with the "blue rate" when using my Mastercard credit card. Upon receiving my credit card statement, I noticed an issue regarding the use of VIATOR, the travel company, for booking three day trips to...
  19. Sal P

    Newcomer Visa Exchange Rates

    Has anyone observed the decrease in exchange rates for Visa credit cards, going from over 1 USD = 800+ ARS to the current rate of 1 USD = 374 ARS? We'll be traveling to Buenos Aires in two weeks, and I'm considering whether to use my credit card or bring cash to take advantage of the more...
  20. J

    Banking Best website for getting Blue Dolar exchange rate quotes?

    Forgive my ignorance but I hear all the time everyone talking about the "blue dolar". I understand that it's an exchange rate that you will get to exchange $100 US bills. What are the best websites as I see many and some have different spreads. Which are the most accurate?