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Has anyone come across the news that the Buenos Aires Design shopping mall, along with its restaurants (including Hard Rock, as indicated by La Nación and HRC's Facebook page), is set to close permanently this Saturday?

I recall signing a petition on change.org a few months back in an attempt to 'save' the shopping center, although I was skeptical about its success, especially regarding the fate of the restaurants.

It appears there's a significant demonstration scheduled for tomorrow, as shared by HRC on its Facebook page in Pueyrredon and Libertador. Reportedly, the 1500 employees facing job loss will be part of this march.

This news is disheartening, particularly as Hard Rock Cafe was consistently one of my preferred spots when I longed for something reliably familiar, of good quality, and distinctly American (especially when compared to TGI Friday’s).
It's about time. Really most of BA Design has been really dead every time I've gone. Many times there were more employees in it vs. people and most of the shops have been dead.
That's unfortunate. It was once a fantastic spot to discover unique items for your home. I still have placemats I purchased around a decade ago, and the overall quality was consistently superior to the typical items found on Cabildo. Another instance of the end of an era in Buenos Aires.
That's unfortunate. It was once a fantastic spot to discover unique items for your home. I still have placemats I purchased around a decade ago, and the overall quality was consistently superior to the typical items found on Cabildo. Another instance of the end of an era in Buenos Aires.
Yes, many many years ago back in the hey days it was a good place to get stuff for your place. I bought a lot of furniture there and some of the stores have been there for many many years (Simmons Mattresses). But many of the high end places have just been totally dead with no foot traffic. And I went in a few weeks ago to Barugel Azulay to buy a toilet paper holder and there were two employees there and although there was NO ONE in the store, they were totally worthless when I asked for assistance.

Customer service at many of the stores was pretty bad. The one exception is Carlos, the manager at Simmons who has been there when I bought my first mattress almost 18 years ago to today. Hopefully he ends up at another store.