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economic impact

  1. D

    Travel BA Design/Hard Rock Cafe Closing Saturday?

    Has anyone come across the news that the Buenos Aires Design shopping mall, along with its restaurants (including Hard Rock, as indicated by La Nación and HRC's Facebook page), is set to close permanently this Saturday? I recall signing a petition on change.org a few months back in an attempt...
  2. J

    Economy Hello Recession, Goodbye Inflation

    A severe recession is about to hit Argentina; actually it has started but has not yet gained full steam, whereas inflation is going at full steam, but will come down dramatically, and soon. In the meantime, the question is: how can one benefit from these events? Why do I anticipate a monster...
  3. MDirtBoy

    Real Estate Sales Explain It To Me: Pesification and Real Estate Prices

    What will happen to the price of real estate as Dollars disappear? How will the devaluation of the Peso affect the prices? Many thanks!
  4. S

    Economy Pessification of real estate?

    The following article talks about the possible pessification of the real estate market, pretty alarming for expats who own property as they may never be able to recover their investments if this happens...