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immigration lawyer

  1. M

    Visas Visa Rentista and the need for pesification

    Hello, I have a visa rentista from 11.2022 - it’s end 11.2023 I have enough passive income for new emigration rules to extend my visa. I can send it to my Argentinian bank accounts in USD (I already have a USD account) - In the new system can I withdraw USD or I must convert it to Peso and...
  2. N

    Newcomer 2000 USD per family member for residency application?

    Hey everybody! Just want to get some guidance from anyone familiar with the residence system. I contacted an immigration lawyer to get the application process started for my family and I (five people in total). I was told that the immigration authority was only entertaining residency...
  3. E

    Legal Lawyer in Argentna for immigration to USA?

    Is there anyone familiar with a lawyer in Argentina, whether working full-time or part-time, who can provide guidance on immigration to the U.S. for Argentine nationals? Any insights or recommendations would be highly appreciated. Thank you.