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Newcomer Where to buy vintage leather jacket?

Hi there, the stores that stood out the most to me, and where I made purchases during my trip to Buenos Aires with my family, were:

The Vintage Hole​

Martes a Sábados de 10 a 20hs.
Uriarte 1857, Palermo

Somos Cocoliche​

Lunes a Sábado de 10 a 20 hs
Domingos de 14 a 19 hs

Gorriti, 5032 Palermo
Juramento, 2827 Belgrano
Diagonal 77, 992 La Plata

Galpon de Ropa​

2704 Avenida Olazábal BELGRANO
3000 General Las Heras RECOLETA
2005 Arévalo PALERMO
4401 Avenida Triunvirato URQUIZA
Our daughter, who's 17 year old, is really interested in getting a leather jacket. She usually goes for vintage pieces back home, so we're wondering if that's a thing in Buenos Aires.

Any suggestions on where we might find one?
Hi! I recommend you la_extranjera_vintage on instagram. Located in Recoleta, super classy. Bought some original items there on my last trip to Buenos Aires.