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Newcomer Where can we obtain travel vaccines in Buenos Aires?


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Our family of six is embarking on a seven-month around-the-world trip, and we anticipate needing various required and recommended travel vaccinations for the multitude of countries we'll be visiting.

While we plan to get as many vaccines as possible in the U.S. covered by our insurance, we are hoping to obtain the remaining ones in South America, where costs are significantly more affordable. Estimates suggest that in the U.S., immunizations for our family could surpass $7000, which is a considerable expense. Hence, finding more budget-friendly options in South America is crucial for our travel plans.

We've already decided to get the Yellow Fever vaccine in Bogota, Colombia, where it's available for free at the El Dorado airport, our point of entry. However, as we head to Buenos Aires, Argentina, we'll need to acquire the following vaccinations:

  1. Typhoid
  2. Rabies
  3. Malaria Pills
  4. Cholera
  5. Japanese Encephalitis
We're seeking information on clinics, hospitals, or health providers in Buenos Aires that offer some or all of these vaccines and details on their relative costs. Any addresses, websites, or names you could provide would be immensely helpful. Thank you so much for any assistance you can offer!

I apologize for not having specific information about obtaining travel vaccines in Buenos Aires.

It would be advisable to consult with your local doctor, especially one knowledgeable about travel health, before your trip. Alternatively, you can explore pay-for-use travel clinics, and check if your health insurance covers these services.

The prescribed vaccines and medications may depend on your destination(s). If you only have country names and not specific locations, they may recommend a broad range of precautions. Additionally, discussions about the Hepatitis series, Tetanus, and rabies shots would be essential.

It's crucial to be aware that there are areas worldwide, including some in South America, where specific vaccines may not be available. Your healthcare provider can guide you on the best course of action.

Best of luck with your travel preparations.
Stamboulian is the premier center for vaccines.

Yes, this is also where we had our kids vaccinated. Keep in mind almost none of these vaccinations are required to go on the trip. They are just recommended by the CDC and WHO. But they aren't required. You are right they are very expensive. I formally owned a healthcare company and part of what we did was Travel Medicine for companies sending their employees abroad to foreign countries. I was always shocked at some of the bills. The employees had to get them as their employer wouldn't send them unless they got the vaccinations for liability reasons.