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Real Estate News The value of m2 with a stable trend in February - Reporte Inmobiliario



The value of m2 with a stable trend in February - Reporte Inmobiliario​



March 14, 2024


The average price per m2 remained stable during the last month. Values by neighborhood for apartments with 1 to 4 rooms as of February 2024
Last February Real Estate Report integrated into its database the information of a total of 24,001 reliable data on used apartments offered for sale in the city of Buenos Aires with between 1 and 4 rooms .

Unlike the previous month, the monthly evolution of the average value per m2 showed slight decreases and increases depending on the environmental composition of the units, but depending on their magnitude it can be

On the other hand, in relation to February 2023, the average price for the second month of the current year was slightly higher in the one-, two- and three-room units. Only in the case of the 4 environments is a slight reduction of 0.8% year-on-year observed.

In February 2024, the smallest units are those with the highest value per unit of measurement (U$S/m2), this price being reduced as the number of rooms grows. Thus, the m2 of a studio apartment was located at U$$/m2 in 2014 while the one, two and three bedroom units were quoted respectively an average of U$S 1,865, U$S 1,731 and U$S 1,581 per m2.

In the city of Buenos Aires, the average offer value of a used studio apartment was US$67,000 last February. On the other hand, at the higher end of prices and amenities, a four-bedroom apartment had an average price of US$144,900, while one- and two-bedroom apartments had average prices of US$75,000 and US$108,500 respectively.






