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Politics The toughest block of Peronist governors rejects the May Pact and hardens its position against Milei - Infobae


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The toughest block of Peronist governors rejects the May Pact and hardens its position against Milei - Infobae​



March 05, 2024

The leaders accuse the President of wanting to impose conditions and extort them. Division in Union for the Homeland. Silence of some leaders and acceptance of others to the call of the Casa Rosada

By Joaquin Mújica Diaz

Ricardo Quintela, Axel Kicillof and Sergio Ziliotto, three of the governors who have the harshest positions against the Government
Axel Kicillof took the lead. As he had already done on other occasions. He was not the first, but he was the loudest. The governor of Buenos Aires rejected the call for the “May 25 Pact” that Javier Milei made last Friday, when he opened the ordinary sessions of the National Congress, and dedicated almost his entire speech in the Buenos Aires Legislature to questioning the management of the National government.

“Just start if we don't arrive ,” was the ironic phrase he used to make it clear that he was not going to go to the Casa Rosada to negotiate an agreement prior to the pact that the President wants to carry out in the province of Córdoba. Kicillof supported his decision in the same line of argument that runs through all of Peronism. “An invitation is issued to us that looks more like a threat or an imposition than a dialogue ,” he stated, surrounded by all sides of the coalition.

In that phrase is concentrated the main argument of Peronism for not going to Balcarce 50 this coming Friday, where the Government will seek to sign a kind of pre-agreement of the pact. The political force understands that Milei not only wants to impose the conditions of the national agreement that he called for, but that he is doing so in an extortionate manner, proposing a fiscal relief package in exchange for supporting the Omnibus Law. Votes for silver. Give and take. An operation of traditional politics that he repeatedly criticized but is now willing to use.

The governor of La Rioja, Ricardo Quintela , was explicit in defending that argument. In a radio interview that he gave days ago he assured: “The May Pact is conditional on one approving what the Omnibus Law is. From now on, that is not going to be feasible. You can't debate something that failed. There is not a single issue for the benefit of society.”

“The position that a group of governors have is to generate a critical mass to resist this system of imposition and submission,” he stated. The resistance has a name, surname, position and province.

The Buenos Aires governor, Axel Kicillof, dedicated a large part of his speech to criticizing the policies of the Milei government (Aglaplata)
This group of hardliners is made up, in addition to the Rioja native, by Axel Kicillof , the Pampa native Sergio Ziliotto , the Fuegian Gustavo Melella , the Formosa native Gildo Insfrán and the Santiago native Gerardo Zamora , although the latter usually oscillates between tough and negotiating positions with more flexibility. than the rest.

Osvaldo Jaldo from Tucumán and Raúl Jalil from Catamarca detached themselves from the hard line of Unión por la Patria (UP) . Juan Manzur's replacement is playing very close to the Government. His decision to break the block of national deputies and withdraw three legislators already earned him the nickname “traitor” within Peronism. They do not count it within the opposition scheme.

Jalil's case is different. He does not want to fall into the hard position and he is the most willing to provide governability, but he remains with his feet planted in the opposition coalition. “You have to go and see what the Government proposes. It is the logical thing at this moment. They have the ball,” explained an official from his smallest circle.

The man from Catamarca will be at the Casa Rosada on Friday and has every intention of accompanying the formulation of the May 25 Pact. He was even one of the leaders, along with Gustavo Sáenz from Salta, who promoted the idea of generating a negotiating table with the national government in a meeting with the Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos .

The toughest governors of Unión por la Patria do not have plans to attend the Government call (Source)

Quintela is perhaps the most radical expression of Peronism from the interior. He cultivates a political line that is hardening day by day. At the opening of sessions of the Rioja legislature he was accompanied by leaders of hard Kirchnerism . Representative characters of a marginal K world, with regard to political influence, as is the case of former vice president Amado Boudou and former judge Eugenio Zaffaroni.

The man from Rioja plays hard in the discursive and is, since the beginning of the national administration, one of the toughest opponents of Milei. He understands that it is unfeasible to sign a pact if there are no prior agreements and believes, like Kicillof, that what exists is the Government's will to impose the conditions of the negotiation. It is unlikely that he will be at Balcarce 50 on Friday. Almost impossible.

Another of the leaders who distanced himself from the call is Sergio Ziliotto from Pampa . He was the first to state that it was impossible for him to accompany the pact. Yesterday, during a press conference, he explained the reasons why he rejects it.

“We are always going to seek dialogue, but when there is an imposition in front of us, it becomes difficult. My question is why we do not fulfill the existing agreements. How am I going to discuss a new partnership if it doesn't comply with the current one?” , she maintained. And he added: “If the President does not comply with the laws, how are we going to reach a new pact?”

Last Friday Javier Milei called on the governors to sign the "Pact of May 25" (Rodrigo Nespolo/ pool ARGRA)
Ziliotto had already expressed himself on social networks after being present at the opening of sessions on Friday and had assured that the agreements come from consensus and not from imposition. “Consensus is not built by trying to bring others to their knees, attacking them and taking away what belongs to them and must be defended,” he said. Absent with notice.

The governors of Formosa, Gildo Insfrán , and of Santiago del Estero, Gerardo Zamora , remain silent regarding the call of the Casa Rosada. They balance their provinces and stretch their public positioning. The president of Tierra del Fuego, Gustavo Melella, did something similar, although those around him warned that it is “unfeasible” to achieve the pact proposed by the Head of State.

In addition to considering that it is an imposition, Peronism rejects the idea of having to approve the Omnibus Law or, at least, the most important part of its articles. Nobody imagines supporting the delegation of powers or the privatization chapter. They didn't do it a handful of weeks ago, and they won't do it now either.

In Peronism they are convinced that the President is “pressuring” and “extorting” them, and that there is no room for sincere negotiation, where each one puts the needs of his administration on the table. The call from the ruling party was for everyone but, at this point in the week, the hardline Peronist bloc does not plan to attend the signing of the pre-agreement. The provincials and those from Together for Change will go.

Ministers Luis Caputo (Economy) and Guillermo Francos (Interior) coordinated the invitation to the governors together with the Chief of Staff, Nicolás Posse.
UP leaders feel attacked and disqualified. They do not believe Milei in his willingness to open the political game and warn that the May Pact is only a strategy to buy time , preserve a certain political stability and prevent conflict with the provinces from increasing at a time when the fiscal adjustment is going away. to feel more.

The Government, through an official statement, got rid of the chicanes and attacks. “The national government maintains its commitment to dialogue with the 23 governors and the Head of the City of Buenos Aires,” they indicated last night, in addition to ratifying the official will to discuss a fiscal relief package for the provinces, as Milei promised on last Friday. An abrupt change of strategy. They stopped being anti-patriotic to become part of a dialogue table. Everything changes.

If the mistake of the toughest Peronists materializes, the President will have an incomplete photo that he can use to redouble the advance against UP and accuse them of putting obstacles in his administration. But, at the same time, his weakness in being able to seduce even the most opposition governors will be exposed, a task that former Interior Minister Rogelio Frigerio achieved during the government of Mauricio Macri, the former president admired by Milei.

Political doll. The viability of the pact in Córdoba will depend on that. The Government has the ball.
What a mess. Hopefully there is more dialogue and some negotiation between sides.