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Real Estate News The rental offer doubled during January 2024 - Reporte Inmobiliario



The rental offer doubled during January 2024 - Reporte Inmobiliario​



February 1, 2024


In CABA, the number of apartments for rent in pesos increased 112% compared to December 2023.
In CABA, the number of apartments for rent in pesos increased 112% compared to December 2023

At the end of the first month of the year and almost the same period also elapsed since the entry into force of the DNU that repealed the rental law, the data arising from the survey of the supply of apartments used for rent in the city of Buenos Aires show a strong increase in their number in relation to the previous month.

On the other hand, although the average values also increased, they did so below the inflation data expected for the first month of the year, which will be known in mid-February.

Regarding the number of used 1 to 4 room apartments on rental offer that were published on property search engines in January 2024, their number increased from 551 existing units last December to 1,169 available during the first month of the year.

Thus, the increase in the number of units on offer was 112.16% between January 2024 and December 2023

The largest number of used apartments offered in pesos is concentrated in the two main rooms with 579 units. The number of studio apartments on offer reached 236, while the 3-bedroom units totaled 290. Finally, with 64 units, the largest 3-bedroom apartments are the units with the lowest availability with prices set in national currency.

The number of studio apartments available for rent in pesos grew by 59% in the opening month of the year compared to the last month of last year, while 3- and 4-bedroom units increased their number by 134% and 64% respectively. In percentage terms, the most pronounced growth with 141% month-on-month occurred in the supply of 2-room apartments.

The data arises from the comparison of the figures with which Reporte Inmobiliario nourishes its bases and that it obtains from applying new data mining technologies to all the offer publications available on the Internet that can be clearly identified as used apartments offered for traditional rental. with prices in pesos

The reaction of the offer could be observed as logical in light of the repeal of the rental law and after the feasibility of implementing the new legal regime arising from the presidential DNU and its effective applicability as of the penultimate day of the month and of last year. .
Regarding the average requested rental values, prices increased compared to December in 1, 2 and 4-room units, but in all cases below double digits. On the other hand, 2-bedroom apartments slightly decreased their average price

Continuing with the prices, the average value of the existing offer for a 1-room unit, last January, was $240,000 per month, while the average rental value of a 2-room unit reached $300,000 and units with 3 bedrooms were quoted on average $630,000. The month-on-month increase was, thus, 4.35%, 7.14 and 5% respectively. The 3 environments were quoted on average at $442,500, -1.67% below the $450,000 recorded as the average value in December 2023.

It is evident from the data, the considerable increase in the quantities offered during January 2024, along with a moderate increase in prices considering the inflation projected for the same month.

It would be difficult not to attribute this new dynamic in the residential rental supply in pesos to the possibility of establishing more frequent updates within a context of very high inflation. On the other hand, the mechanism required by law in force until December 29, 2023, whose minimum update period was six months, had caused the gradual disappearance of the formal rental offer as inflation gained speed.

In light of the figures, in this first month of the abolition of the rental law, the market reacted positively. It would be desirable, to achieve constant and sustained improvement, to appeal to the responsible setting of the initial price and the adjustment clauses to be applied in each case in order to give sustainability to the agreements, keeping in mind that the parties are complementary and not adversaries. as during the last years he tried to settle.





