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Politics The Government reported the theft of computers in the former Ministry of Culture for 290 million pesos - Infobae

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The Government reported the theft of computers in the former Ministry of Culture for 290 million pesos - Infobae​



May 10, 2024

The judicial presentation was made by the Minister of Human Capital Sandra Pettovello. Of the 288 computers that entered three months before leaving power, “only 34 were assigned to state agents”, of the other “254 the whereabouts are unknown”

By Andres Klipphan

ARGENTINE NEWS BAIRES DECEMBER 18: The Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovello, during a recorded message she issued today. Photo NA

The Ministry of Human Capital denounced the “theft” in the former Ministry of Culture of the Nation of notebooks that had entered the portfolio in September 2023, that is, three months before the Alberto Fernández administration left power . The purchase value of the “missing” computers is worth 290 million pesos . The judicial presentation clarifies that, of the 288 computers acquired, “only 34 were assigned to state agents”, of the other “254 the whereabouts are unknown . ”

“We are facing a very serious crime to the detriment of the public treasury, since dozens of computers were stolen from the Ministry of Culture during the previous administration, and all of this, under the noses of the officials in charge of custody,” it is described in the judicial presentation accessed by this media.

In case 1742/2024 being processed in Federal Court No. 2, it is detailed that “these are Lenovo ThinkPad E15 Gen 4 brand computers, for which the public administration would have paid $1,030 each, so it is estimated that the patrimonial damage amounts to 181,280 dollars, which today is equivalent to 290 million pesos.”

The government of Alberto Fernández had paid 1,030 dollars for each of the notebooks that had been "stolen", so it is estimated that the property damage to the State amounts to 181,280 dollars, which today is equivalent to 290 million pesos. Illustrative Image Infobae)

The information arises from “the goods acquired in the last tender processed under file EX-2022-91393702- -APN-DCYC#MC through the bidding process No. 83-0050-LPU22.” The file shows that the final receipt of the last 200 new pieces of equipment received was on 9/18/23, that is, less than three months before leaving power. It is for this reason that Capital Humano is convinced that, “just as the notebooks entered, they had another destination that was not exactly that of public distribution.”

In the judicial document, signed by the Legal Undersecretary of Human Capital, Leila Gianni , it states that: “The facts arise from the request that was made to the person in charge of the Information Technology Directorate of the then Ministry of Culture, Ignacio Caamaño, to know the whereabouts of the technological goods in the area" and clarifies that: "Specifically, an attempt was made to carry out a survey of the notebooks, brands, models and serial numbers and, based on this, to answer which agency or agent He had them in his charge.”

The formal request “was made on February 22 and the response arrived on the 27th of the same month.” The information, brief, stated that “of a total of 288 computers acquired by the then Ministry of Culture, only 34 were assigned to state agents and the whereabouts of the remaining 254 were unknown.”

The complaint also describes that Caamaño was asked again to “report the location of the other computers, given that his Directorate, as well as the General Directorate of Administration of the Undersecretary of Administrative Management of the Culture portfolio, had the obligation to carry a controller and monitoring of those assets .”

Sandra Pettovello officials discovered the missing 254 computers destined for the former Ministry of Culture of the Nation
The following response from the Information Technology Directorate stated that: “All this equipment was kept safe in the building at 1690 Alvear Avenue in the City of Buenos Aires.”

However, when the current Human Capital officials carried out a visual inspection, “ only 18 of the missing notebooks were found . ”

Given the lack of response from those in charge of the custody of the brand new notebooks, and the failure to find the equipment that should have entered the now Ministry of Culture months before, Sandra Pettovello, the Minister of Human Capital, ordered a criminal complaint to be filed to that “the possible commission of the crime of theft or what results from the judicial investigation” be investigated.

Except for Ignacio Caamaño, who until now was responsible for the Information Technology Directorate of the then Ministry of Culture, no names are made. Until December 10, 2023, filmmaker Tristán Bauer was in charge of the portfolio , but it will be the justice system that must determine whether the former minister was aware of the alleged illicit maneuvers classified as “theft and non-compliance with the duties of a public official.” .

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