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Politics Salta analyzes starting to charge medical care for foreign patients and those from other provinces - Infobae


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Salta analyzes starting to charge medical care for foreign patients and those from other provinces - Infobae



February 19, 2024

The Minister of Health of Salta, Federico Mangione, assured that the provincial government is studying the measure, since they have the same budget as last year. “The attention of the people of Salta will be prioritized,” he said.

This decision was made due to several economic problems that the local health area is going through.
In the midst of the discussions about the Government's cuts to the provinces, from Salta , the provincial Minister of Health, Federico Mangione, announced that they are analyzing starting to charge for medical care in public hospitals to all foreign citizens and also to those from other countries. provinces.

“We are taking measures where the priority is the people of Salta and we are also going to impose a charging system for foreign patients because they are using our supplies and we do not have reciprocity,” said the minister and even reported that from Bolivia they are crossing into the country to receive the Dengue vaccine .

In addition, he announced that he has met with several ministers from different provinces, including Catamarca , Tucumán , La Rioja and Córdoba , in order to establish a reciprocity agreement .

“There are still no definitions of how each foreigner will be charged... That is something that is coming because I am convinced that it should be like that... and it doesn't have to make us red, because you go to Bolivia or Brazil and pay absolutely "Everything," he commented in an interview with the local media We are the morning, and added that this decision is the appropriate one to take care of the resources of his city.

Along these lines, he added: “I was the manager of the Maternal and Child Hospital and we have received cancer patients from Bolivia because the doctors there told them that they were not going to do the treatment and recommended that they travel to Argentina because it was free here. ”.

However, and despite the fact that the priority will be placed on the people of Salta, the minister assured that any foreign patient who arrives at any guard with a critical or urgent situation will be treated immediately and without discriminating where they come from.

“If someone arrives with a heart attack, stabbing or any other complication of that nature, they will receive the appropriate care. Then we will see how it is collected whether it is Bolivian, Paraguayan or Peruvian,” he communicated and said that this will be guaranteed, since it is a matter of “humanity.”

San Bernardo Salta Hospital will distribute its doctors to different guards in the province

On the other hand, the head of the health portfolio explained that the health situation in Salta is alarming since “there is a lack of supplies ” because the national government would not be providing the money necessary to pay for the amount of medicine that each patient needs. depending on the treatment you are doing.

The contribution that the nation is giving today covers only 10% and we have 400 patients with dialysis, which each means 650 thousand pesos and 20 patients, who were the ones that I went out to publicly denounce, because they are of very high cost, since they add up to 450 million in total,” he specified.

According to him, said money “was normally transferred by the nation,” something that does not happen today.

“This is serious because every minute that passes for a person who has cancer, for example, we are reducing their chance of living longer,” he said, referring to the province's limited ability to provide medications through its own means.

In this context, he assured that on Wednesday of this week, the Oncology Directorate will have a meeting to evaluate how they will be able to purchase the medications that the most complicated cancer patients need to live.

“The provincial government is going to work to guarantee the medicines, but for that I have to get money from another place that I had already planned to allocate to another sector,” he explained and exemplified the need for the investment they must make in health centers. health that are falling apart due to lack of maintenance.

To conclude, he stated: “The only thing we have left is to optimize resources and try to regularize this situation as soon as possible.”