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Economy Retirements: how much they will receive in April, what will happen to the bonus and what the increases will be like in the following months - Infobae

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Retirements: how much they will receive in April, what will happen to the bonus and what the increases will be like in the following months - Infobae​



March 2024

The Government decided that starting next month salaries will be updated based on inflation, to which a 12.5% recomposition will be added for the loss they had in recent months. The reinforcement of $70,000 will be charged in full

The Government defined that since April retirees will have increases based on inflation.

The Government decided to establish by decree a new retirement mobility formula that will begin to be reflected in salaries starting in July and apply monthly increases based on inflation with a two-month delay from April, given the difficulties of generating consensus with the opposition in The congress . Thus, starting next month the minimum retirement will go from $137,216 to $172,463 pesos. With the $70,000 bonus they will climb to the 242,000 peso area.

Based on the confusion generated by Decree 274/2024 , by which the changes were made official, the presidential spokesperson, Manuel Adorni , came out to explain that from April retirements will have an increase corresponding to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) of febebero, 13.2%, plus another 12.5% for recomposition. In May there will be an update for the CPI corresponding to March.

The official also clarified that the $70,000 bonus will continue to be valid and that the minimum salaries will be paid in full, something that will be reflected in a new decree that will be known in the next few hours, as reported by sources from the Ministry of Economy.

Therefore, the calculation made by the Government is that the recomposition of the period will be 62% if the 27.2% increase granted by the formula in force until this last modification is also taken into account.

The advisor to the Ministry of Economy, Martín Vauthier , explained that if in June the accumulated increase is less than what would have been applied with the current calculation, there will be compensation for the difference. “If the increase is greater than what resulted from the formula, there is no discount and it is incorporated into the credit,” he highlighted.

The presidential spokesperson explained that the CPI will be applied directly to April salaries
This happens because if a smaller increase is validated, there would be a violation of the acquired rights of retirees and the State would be exposed to lawsuits . Starting in July, the new increase scheme for retirees will be launched.

Calculations by economist Fernando Marull showed that the minimum retirement will go from $137,216 in March to $172,463 in April. In May the number is not defined, but it should be $193,294 based on the consultant's estimate of the March CPI that applies that month. Thus, June's assets will total 215,396 pesos.

According to Marull's numbers, if the Government did not change the formula, the minimum retirement was going to be $137,216 in March, it would remain unchanged, while only in June will the increase be applied based on salaries and Anses collection to reach 201,170 pesos.

“The assets will be updated monthly in accordance with the variations in the General Level of the National Consumer Price Index published by the NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STATISTICS AND CENSUS (INDEC)”, it was established in Decree 274/2024 published this Monday in the Official Gazette .

“In no case may the application of said index produce a decrease in the assets received by the beneficiary,” it was clarified in the rule.

Evolution of retirements with new formula vs current formula. (Fernando Marull)
According to the new formula, they exemplified: “In July 2024, the variation in the Consumer Price Index corresponding to May 2024 will be paid. In August, the variation corresponding to June will be paid, and so on.”

In the recitals, the Government questioned the current mobility formula: “It has produced disastrous results for the country's retirees and pensioners, who have suffered a notable loss of purchasing power . ”

“The urgent need to modify the retirement formula in order to maintain the standard of living of older adults and prevent them from continuing to lose purchasing power and the imminent beginning of the month of April, the passage of which would make it difficult to properly combine formulas. “the exceptional circumstances that require the issuance of this decree,” he justified.

“The severity of the crisis faced by older adults means that they cannot wait until June of this year to see their salaries increased,” the Executive Branch stated through the decree signed by Javier Milei and the entire Cabinet of Ministers.

But these are not all the factors that will influence the amount that retirees will receive next month. And that is because the Government published a decree last week that sets a new bonus of $70,000 for next month. As always, it applies only to the lowest pensions and is not added linearly to the assets.

How the 70,000 pesos bonus is applied​

The decree that establishes the bonus establishes that with the 27.18% increase that was granted in March and the bonus of up to $70,000, retirements and pensions with minimum salaries will be collecting $204,445 gross. The total is broken down into a minimum of $134,445 plus $70,000.

As the bonus established by decree is applied on nominal amounts, the increase by today's DNU that changes the mobility formula moves the floor from which this extra allocation starts, but does not change the ceiling. However, the Ministry of Economy reported that the beneficiaries of the minimum will collect the full bonus based on a new decree that will replace the previous one.

With the current scheme, retirees who earn the minimum would receive $172,463 from the new formula plus $33,228.91 as a bonus to reach a total of $204,445, the same as they received in March. Those who would earn between $172,464 and $204,444 will also receive a bonus that takes their disbursement up to the limit of $204,445.

With the planned change, the minimum retirement will jump above $240,000 from April. This breaks down into $172,463 plus the reinforcement of $70,000, the conditions of which will be modified in the coming hours as reported by official sources.