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Real Estate News More properties are sold in CABA and PBA - Reporte Inmobiliario



More properties are sold in CABA and PBA - Reporte Inmobiliario



April 23, 2024


Deeds in the City of Buenos Aires improved another 18.3% year-on-year in March. In PBA the improvement also reached 9.3%.
As reported by Colegio Escribanos Ciudad de Bs As, the total number of real estate purchase and sale deeds registered an increase of 18.3% in the third month of 2024 compared to the level of a year before, adding 3,399 records, while the amount Total transactions carried out rose 347%, with $300,553 million.

Compared to February 2024, the actions rose by 53.6% (February 2,213 writings).


The average amount of the acts was $88,418,261: it grew 277.9% in one year in pesos.
In February, there were 106 deeds formalized with a mortgage. Therefore, the decrease in that sense is 4.5% compared to the same month last year. And the quarter, with 254, represents a decrease of 2.3%.


“If we analyze the volume of the quarter, it is the best in the last 6 years and is consistent with the variations that we have been observing and is encouraging data. In fact, there is a growth of 16% compared to the same period last year. But we insist on the recovery capacity that the real estate market would have if mortgage credit returns: the last time there was a stimulus for families, the level of sales was double what we have today (almost 15,000 in 2018 versus 7,500 in 2024 ), that's why we emphasize that loans of this nature are virtuous," analyzed the president of the CABA college, Jorge De Bártolo.

Buying and selling in Province Bs As​

At the Provincial level, the March numbers were also good with 7,251 operations, 9.3% more than in March of last year. Low values continue to drive purchases by end users and investors.
