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Politics Labor Day: the Government minimized the CGT march, but views the May 9 strike with concern - Infobae

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Labor Day: the Government minimized the CGT march, but views the May 9 strike with concern - Infobae​



May 01, 2024

At Casa Rosada they believe that union members can influence the Senate vote on the Bases Law. Meetings with some Cegetista leaders next week are not ruled out. Francos appears as the main interlocutor

By Brenda Struminger

Héctor Daer leaving Casa Rosada (Nicolás Stulberg)

The Government relented with the articles that made unionism uncomfortable in the labor reform, especially the union quota, and approved the Truck Drivers' joint agreement. However, the CGT ratified today, in an event for Workers' Day, the demonstration and strike planned for May 9. The Government is convinced that the decision to maintain the call is motivated by Pablo Moyano 's closeness to Kirchnerism and, in particular, his internal power in the union center. After minimizing the march for Labor Day, they will try to deactivate the measure through approaches with the “dialogue” leaders, and meetings next week are not ruled out.

The Government's concern is not so much about the economic damage that a strike could cause, but rather about the consequences of union pressure in the Senate, where the final litmus test will be carried out for the Bases Law that libertarians desperately seek to approve before of May 25 . The votes are counted and several fronts are open. One of the main ones, in addition to the resistance of Patagonians to the restitution of the Income Tax, is precisely the labor reform.

As in the negotiations with the dialoguist political arch to move forward with the norm, the frontman of the libertarians is once again the Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos, who from his office in the Casa Rosada has been carrying out the negotiations with the union corporation practically since the beginning of the mandate. In fact, it was in one of the rooms of his ministry, Escudos, where the last two talks were held with the main union leaders.

In the first, three weeks ago, the co-owners of the CGT, Héctor Daer (Health) and Carlos Acuña (service stations) had agreed to attend ; the deputy secretary, Andrés Rodríguez (UPCN), Gerardo Martínez (UOCRA), José Luis Lingeri (Sanitary Works) and the spokesperson Jorge Sola. It was a “cordial” meeting, several attendees agreed, although one of the union members said ironically to Francos, when greeting him. “So you are the President?” . They know that Milei, in his “anti-caste” position, is always very reluctant to participate in political conversations directly, regardless of the topic. But that doesn't mean they stop waiting for a gesture from the top of the Executive.

Beyond the President's veiled indifference, his emissaries seek to keep the dialogue open and are increasingly willing to make concessions. In that talk, the Secretary of Labor, Julio Cordero, who maintains a lower profile than Francos, but actively participates in the conversations, conveyed a conciliatory message to them. “This is not an anti-union government,” he said. Days later, the Government agreed to approve the Truckers' joint agreement to satisfy Pablo Moyano and backed down with the removal of the mandatory union fee, one of the main requests of the union leaders.

Guillermo Francos will try to negotiate with union members, including Héctor Daer and Pablo Moyano

In any case, libertarians are careful not to be too flexible. For example, Francos minimized the march for Labor Day this morning, with a chicane. “I hope that next May 1 there will be many more workers who come out to celebrate,” he said about today's reduced march. And he added that he will try to deactivate the measure of force promised for May 9 and that the intransigent Moyano ratified today.

It will be the second time that it seeks to stop a measure of force by the workers. The first had been in February, just three months after the start of the Libertarian administration. But that dialogue adventure, despite his face-to-face talks with Martínez, did not bear fruit.

This time, at Balcarce 50 they believe that the perspectives are different, more auspicious. Beyond public statements, they assure that the “channels of dialogue” remain open. And they promise that even though Moyano, who did not attend any conclave at the Casa Rosada, continues to take a tough stance, they will continue calling on other important leaders. There is still no confirmed date or names , but face-to-face conversations for next week have not been ruled out, in parallel with the debate in committee in the upper house.

The Government is betting on exacerbating the CGT internal conflict. Two weeks ago another meeting went unnoticed, at Casa Rosada, which, although it was less attended, the Government took as a sign of predisposition on the part of the leadership. It was with Omar Maturano, the head of the train drivers (La Fraternidad) and the driver Alejandro Poli. “They have their own dispute that has to do with something else, a power struggle. Those who are driving the strike are guys like Palazzo and Moyano, it is something political. But there are people with whom you can talk and you continue talking,” said an official this afternoon, and admitted that they will seek to interfere in the interstices of the divided central.