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Politics Javier Milei travels to Davos to describe his government program and international agenda - Infobae


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Javier Milei travels to Davos to describe his government program and international agenda, before an audience of heads of state and global investors - Infobae​



January 15, 2024

by Romannian Lejtman

In his first tour abroad as President, he will participate in the World Economic Forum with the intention of promoting private investments in Argentina and explaining his foreign policy in a complex scenario crossed by conflicts in the Middle East and Ukraine and the tension between the United States and China.

Javier Milei travels to Davos to explain his government program and international agenda to heads of state and investors who will participate in the World Economic Forum

Javier Milei embarks on a commercial flight today and with a limited delegation travels to Switzerland to participate in the Davos Forum, < /span> that convenes every year for one hundred hours to debate the most important issues of geopolitics and the world economy.a global agora.
On this occasion, Davos proposes a multifaceted agenda includes the conflicts in the Middle East and Ukraine, the elections in the United States, the impact of climate change, the need to create jobs and the use of Intelligence Artificial (AI) as an engine of development in modern societies.
Milei exhibits on January 17, and his presentation has a leitmotif that reflects his personal ideology: “Freedom, the key to prosperity.” The president will be accompanied by Klaus Schwab, founder of the Davos Forum, and a full house is expected.
That day the Secretary of State Antony Blinken will also speak; the Secretary General of the United Nations (UN), Antonio Guterres; the Prime Minister of Spain, Pedro Sánchez; and the President of France, Emmanuel Macron.
There is a lot of concern regarding the evolution of the war in Gaza, and Blinken, Guterres, Sánchez and Macron will address the crisis in the Middle East that started the terrorist group Hamas and that has already impacts globally.

Minister Luis Caputo and Chancellor Diana Mondino travel with Javier Milei to the Davos Forum

Milei will travel today accompanied by Foreign Minister Diana Mondino, the Secretary General of the Presidency, Karina Milei, the Chief of Staff, Nicolás Posse, the Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo, and the ambassador designated to the White House, Gerardo Werthein. The president received more than eighty requests for an audience -between heads of state and investors- and has not yet decided what his agenda will be like outside the exhibition on January 17.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Chief of Staff and the head of the Treasury Palace will be in charge of receiving bankers, CEOs and investors, waiting for the final decision of Milei who before traveling to Switzerland had commented to Mondino, Posse and Caputo that “he only traveled to Davos to exhibit” and then returned to Buenos Aires.

It will be difficult for the president to avoid the highest level meetings in Davos. The Forum functions as a meeting place, where positions on the global agenda are set, information is exchanged strategic and there are interviews that would otherwise take weeks to complete.

This edition of the Davos Forum was divided into four thematic axes. Milei presents the concept of “achieving security and cooperation in a fractured world”, which in terms of the organizers implies the following:

“In a more competitive geopolitical landscape, how can we effectively address security crises, such as the current situation in the Middle East, and at the same time contain the structural forces of fragmentation? How can we identify areas where cooperation is essential to ensure a win-win scenario for all stakeholders? How can we improve existing initiatives and mechanisms to drive global collaboration?”

The Davos agenda also has a second thematic axis that is titled “creating growth and jobs for a new era”. In this case, the official site of the Forum also explains what this concept means for the organizers:

“The increase in debt, the energy transition and the change in economic geography”, pose challenges to policy makers when it comes to finding a balance between growth, sustainability , inclusion and resilience.

Mondino will participate in a panel that integrates this second thematic axis of the Forum. Its name is “the economic realism of Latin America”, and next to the chancellor will be Mauricio Cardenas, head of the Central Bank of Peru.Julio Velarde, member of the board of directors of Cosan Limited and Luis Henrique Guimaraes, governor of Baja California; Marina del Pilar Avila Olmeda Minister of Finance of Chile; Mario Marcel,, professor at Columbia;

The Minister of Foreign Affairs will speak after the President and both will take advantage of the Forum to present - in their respective speeches - the essential aspects of the disruptive proposal of the Government: Milei will refer to freedom as the organizing vertex of his management, and Mondino will describe the economic and global integration goals pursued by the Casa Rosada.

Javier Milei and Kristalina Georgieva: it is not ruled out that they will meet at the Davos Economic Forum

Kristalina Georgieva, managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and Gita Gopinath, deputy director manager of the multilateral credit organization, will be in Davos when Milei speaks on the main stage of the Forum. The two will participate in panels linked to the current economic situation in the world and its projection during 2024.

Georgieva together with Gita Gopinath have the responsibility of drafting the Staff Level Agreement (SLA), a fundamental instance for the Fund's board of directors to approve the VII review of the program and authorize the disbursement of 4.7 billion dollars. If there is no unexpected derailment, the board will validate the SLA that is already prepared by the IMF bureaucracy.

The Chief of Staff, Nicolás Posse, and the Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo, are likely to meet with Georgieva and Gopinath in Davos to consolidate a personal and technical link that until now is incipient. For Georgieva and Gopinath he will be the fourth Minister of Economy and the second Chief of Staff that they have known since 2020.

Milei takes off today from Ezeiza and will return on January 19.

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