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Politics Javier Milei predicted inflation of around 15% for February - Infobae


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Javier Milei predicted inflation of around 15% for February - Infobae​



March 05, 2024

The President spoke to rural businessmen at an agricultural exhibition held in the Buenos Aires town of San Nicolás. He said that the idea is to lift the exchange rate “as soon as possible.” During his speech there was a power outage

The power went out while Javier Milei was speaking to agricultural producers and businessmen
President Javier Milei arrived today in San Nicolás, in the province of Buenos Aires, to participate in an agricultural exhibition and predicted that inflation will be around 15% for February.

As Infobae was able to reconstruct , the president arrived around 12 noon and participated in a private conference for businessmen in the Agribusiness Auditorium of the exhibition. In the talk, in which deputy José Luis Esper t also participated, the president anticipated that he plans to lift the exchange rate in the middle of the year and that they estimate that inflation for the month of February will be around 15%.

There, he sent a message to the countryside: “Freedom will allow you to once again be the engine of Argentine growth. The idea is to lift the stocks as soon as possible ,” said the president.

Later, he referred to the results of his first three months in office: “Now we have 9 billion more dollars, what you see is that the system is healthier. As a result of this set of measures, it is transferred to inflation. When it gave 25% in December it was a success, because the truth is that prices fell in the second week. This month it seems that inflation is going to be at 15 %,” he stated according to statements published by the local newspaper El Norte .

Then, Milei left there, applauded by the public who was at the exhibition. They accompanied him by shouting “Long live freedom, damn it,” “Milei president” and “The caste is afraid.” The public watched the Head of State for more than 300 meters, until the caravan moved away and headed to the stand of the Ministry of Agriculture.

Furthermore, during his presentation to producers and businessmen from the countryside, there was a power outage in the property's auditorium. “I put too much energy into the adjustment, too much force,” joked the president who was next to deputy José Luis Espert.

The president anticipated sensitive information about the future of the economy in the short term, at the San Nicolás agricultural exhibition
Milei arrived by helicopter to San Nicolás, in his first public appearance after the opening of the regular session of Congress that took place last Friday. The president was accompanied by the Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos , and by Karina Milei, general secretary of the Presidency, in addition to Espert.

During his presentation, the president once again reviewed the beginning of his administration, and highlighted the economic achievements and cost cuts. “ We fired 50,000 public employees and cut off public works and began the cleanup of the Central Bank, which we received with US$11 billion of net reserves and today we have purchased 9 billion,” he explained, according to the newspaper Clarín .

Among other things, he highlighted the primary surplus in January and stated that the Government applied “a super tough policy.” Also, he stated that the IMF praised his program and highlighted that there are “9 billion more dollars” in the hands of the Central Bank.

This is how Javier Milei arrived at Expoagro 2024 in San Nicolás
“The consequence of these measures is a sharp drop in inflation. If it gave 30% in December it was already a great number and it gave 25%. And in January it gave 20% and in February, despite the increase in prepaid bills and rates, it will be around 15%. The disinflation process is strong,” he said.

“The fiscal adjustment continues, this is a blender and a chainsaw,” Milei added when talking about the fall in public spending.

Milei also highlighted that “after a long time the country risk falls, the gap has completely disappeared” and stated that “ the stabilization process works very strongly .” Since the dollar is just another price in the economy, there is no pass through.”

After his presentation in the venue's auditorium, Milei had a couple of words before the press that was outside the venue, and spoke about the exchange rate: The idea is to lift it as soon as possible, as soon as we finish cleaning up the Bank's imbalance Central, we're going to get it up.

The president received expressions of affection in San Nicolás
Before Milei's arrival, the Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos, confirmed in the same exhibition that the Government will present a new project for the restitution of the Income Tax.

It is a request from the governors that we help them solve their fiscal problems .” In that sense, we are going to propose the implementation of the income tax,” the national official assured the media present.

It is worth mentioning that last September the fourth category of Profits had been eliminated, which exempted more than 800,000 taxpayers from paying the tax. The law passed by Congress raised the non-taxable minimum floor for workers and retirees who receive 15 minimum vital and mobile wages (SMVM), which currently amounts to $202,800 .

Likewise, the official also made reference to one of the controversies raised by President Javier Milei's speech in the National Congress, when expressing the importance of the approval of the Base Law.
How fitting the power went out during his speech. If the utility rates really do go up 400% to 500% like they are talking about maybe power outages in the summer won't happen as often. No one will be using AC!