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Politics Axel Kicillof will speak with Máximo Kirchner about the withdrawal of funds that Milei carried out and advances with a claim before Justice - Infobae


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Axel Kicillof will speak with Máximo Kirchner about the withdrawal of funds that Milei carried out and advances with a claim before Justice - Infobae



February 26, 2024

It will be at 4 p.m. in La Plata, in the midst of tension and conflicts with the governors over resource cuts to the provinces

The relationship between the governors and President Javier Milei is going through a moment of tension and conflict. The last one was unleashed with a clear message to the Buenos Aires administration after the decision of the head of state to eliminate the Fund for the Fiscal Strengthening of the Province of Buenos Aires , which Alberto Fernández had created during the previous government, allocating a higher percentage of the co-participation to it. to that district.

Kicillof is considering turning to the courts to try to reverse this situation and at 4 p.m. he will hold a press conference at the governor's office, in which he will be accompanied by the national deputy Máximo Kirchner and several mayors of the Conurbano who respond to Peronism. It will be a sign that this is not an issue against him but rather that he has party support behind him. Before, at 11:30, the provincial leader will lead a multi-sector meeting with the commercial sector.

Neither in December nor in January were the funds corresponding to that Fund transferred to Buenos Aires, but the publication in the Official Gazette of decree 194/2024 with the signatures of the President, the Chief of Staff, Nicolás Posse , and the Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo , deepened the differences.

This fund had been created during the previous administration, in the midst of the pandemic, with resources obtained from the withdrawal from the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires of a percentage of the funds corresponding to the federal co-participation.

The measure, which marked a point of conflict between Casa Rosada and the then head of the Buenos Aires Government, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta , had been announced after a police protest for salary improvements against the Kicillof management . “We have to look for resources in a complicated fiscal situation. We are diverting many State resources to the most unprotected sectors,” Alberto Fernández stated at that time. It was, in fact, the removal of one point of co-participation from the Federal Capital and transferred more than 30 billion pesos to the province of Buenos Aires .


In addition to this focus of conflict, in recent weeks, within its plan to reduce the fiscal deficit, the Government stopped providing other funds to the provinces, such as those intended to finance transportation and others related to education, such as the Incentive Fund. Teacher and the Compensation Fund that reached the districts with the greatest economic problems. Now the main confrontation is with Chubut also due to a cut in the co-participation that led Governor Ignacio Torres, of the PRO, to threaten to cut off the supply of oil and gas if the situation is not normalized.

Torres received the solidarity of almost all his peers, including Kicillof, and also from the vice governors of the different jurisdictions.

The Government argued in its decree that "the severity of the crisis puts at risk the very subsistence of the established social, legal and political organization, affecting its normal development in pursuit of the common good." At the same time, he reiterated that “no other national administration has received an institutional, economic and social legacy as critical as that received by the current one , so it is essential to adopt measures to overcome the emergency situation created by the exceptional economic and that the Nation suffers, especially as a consequence of a set of interventionist decisions.”

“It is necessary to carry out a fiscal adjustment in the National Public Sector of 5 points of GDP and, at the same time, resolve the situation of the remunerated liabilities of the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic, which are responsible for 10 points of its deficit” , he says in another of his paragraphs.

President Milei met with the governors on December 19, 2023, a few days after taking office.
“Consequently, there is no alternative solution to an urgent fiscal adjustment that puts public accounts in order, this being an indispensable condition for the macroeconomic stabilization that our country requires,” Casa Rosada continued, pointing out that “the fiscal situation of the Provinces and the City “It has been less restrictive at the expense of the discretionary transfers that the National Government has made . ”

In the following paragraph, the Milei Government raised its level of confrontation with Axel Kicillof by stating that “the aforementioned Fiscal Strengthening Fund of the Province of Buenos Aires affected the general interests of the Nation as a whole, depriving the National State of resources necessary for the organization of public accounts , which is why it is necessary to repeal article 4 of Decree No. 735 of September 9, 2020."

The province had demanded days ago from the Ministry of Economy of the Nation the payment of the December and January funds that had been delayed.

This morning, the head of Government of the City of Buenos Aires, Jorge Macri, recalled that “we have a claim filed. We hope that the resources that belong to the City return to the City because the people of Buenos Aires deserve it .” A preannouncement that the conflict can intensify.