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Politics ATE announced a national strike and did not rule out taking over Ministries: “Milei will not be able to fire 70,000 state workers” - Infobae

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ATE announced a national strike and did not rule out taking over Ministries: “Milei will not be able to fire 70,000 state workers” - Infobae​



March 27, 2024

Trade unionist Rodolfo Aguiar announced that forceful measures will be taken on April 3 if the President carries out the mass dismissals of contract workers. What are the protests going to be like?

ATE announced a national strike

The general secretary of ATE , Rodolfo Aguiar, announced a national strike after the announcement made by Javier Milei at the IEFA Latam Forum and warned the President that “he will not be able to fire 70,000 state workers.” In addition, he warned that if the advance payment for a massive dismissal of contract workers comes to pass, they will promote an active strike on April 3, with a possible takeover of Ministries.

In dialogue with Infobae , the leader confirmed that in the National State there are about 65 thousand people who are working under contract through the “transitional plant” modality, while another 6,000 perform functions under the figure of “professional technical assistance.” And he revealed that none of those contracts were renewed by the Government, at least until midnight from Tuesday to Wednesday.

Rodolfo Aguiar, from ATE

For this reason, and in response to the announcement made by President Milei that some 70 thousand contracts will be terminated, Rodolfo Aguiar confirmed that he is going to propose to the plenary session that a forceful measure be carried out on April 3 that will consist of a national strike. active for two hours, with presence in the workplace, and a massive and general entry of all employees at the same time. “We do not rule out that it will become peaceful occupations of the ministries ,” said the leader.

Javier Milei called López Obrador “ignorant” and described Gustavo Petro as a “terrorist murderer”
It may interest you:Javier Milei called López Obrador “ignorant” and described Gustavo Petro as a “terrorist murderer”

“We suspect that we could encounter a scenario of the security forces or the Police blocking all entry to the ministries. That is why we are thinking about all the workers agreeing on a schedule so that everyone arrives at the same time and thus can enter ,” he stated in dialogue with this medium.

Statements in X​

“Look, President Javier Milei, you are not going to be able to fire 70,000 state employees as you would like . "Today, protests multiplied throughout the country and conflict in the State will continue to increase," the union leader warned through his social networks after listening to the head of state's presentation at the economic forum.

Furthermore, Aguiar, under the title “Strike and mobilization of ATE throughout the country,” stated that state workers will “ continue fighting and multiplying protests to prevent any illegal and unjustified layoff in the public administration.”

Argentina is going through a stage of transition . ” “We workers are obliged to rethink some of the slogans that we embraced in the 1990s in the face of a similar political process,” the union member indicated in his extensive publication.

And, in that sense, he added: “In the 90's we knew how to embrace the slogan 'Strengthen the State to liberate the Nation', and it turns out that the strength or weakness of the State depends on who looks at it. At this moment, if the Argentine Business Association (AEA) looks at it, the State is becoming stronger. However, if we look at it, it is weakening .”

Rodolfo Aguiar announced a national ATE strike
Later in the text, Aguiar pointed out: “When we say that their policies try to destroy the State, in reality what is happening is that the State of the people is being destroyed and the State of the large business groups is being built. The time has come to embrace new slogans, perhaps 'Democratize the State to build the Nation.'"

For the state, “these are times to resist, but also to have to propose.” “They want to corner us so that we defend jobs and let's not talk about the fact that we face the largest salary adjustment in recent times , and with it, the serious deterioration of all the living conditions of workers and retirees,” he highlighted.

This response came a while after Milei spoke at the IEFA Latam Forum, an economic forum with the presence of businessmen, where he confirmed that in the coming days the national government will cancel 70 thousand public employee contracts that will not be renewed as of March 31st.

The President referred to this issue when explaining how he has been carrying out the fiscal adjustment since he took office in the Casa Rosada to achieve zero deficit: “We eliminated discretionary transfers to the provinces, we also fired 50,000 public employees. Not only that, but contracts were also cancelled, notice that now more contracts are falling and 70,000 contracts are going to fall . ”

Regarding this, he warned: “We eliminated 200,000 social programs delivered irregularly and at no time did we neglect social policy because, in the middle, we doubled the AUH, we doubled the food card, we multiplied the assistance in the thousand day plan by three , that is , pregnant women. Not only that, but we also quadrupled the assistance for school supplies and created a mechanism so that middle-income families who go to low-fee private schools basically had a containment mechanism so that the children did not miss the school they attended. attended and not have to suffer the shock of changing schools. That is to say, we also had a strong social perspective in what we are doing . ”