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Alberto Fernández's assets frozen amid insurance scandal - Surprise Surprise!

Betsy Ross

Well-known member
Actually NOT a surprise. Who knows what other scams they will uncover. You saw this coming!

Alberto Fernández's assets frozen amid insurance scandal​

This is just the beginning, and not only his assets were inhibited, but also his secretary's...so much corruption.

More dirt in the government of Alberto Fernandez, politics disgusts me.:sick:

More dirt in the government of Alberto Fernandez, politics disgusts me.:sick:

This is probably only the tip of the iceberg. Never was a President of Argentina that wanted to get to the bottom of all the theft.
Alberto Fernandez and Cristina Kirchner have contributed to the destruction of Argentina's economy and politics, leaving a mess that will take years to repair.
The indiscriminate corruption makes me sick, convictions that were never served...the judicial system is a disaster.

There is still more dirt in Alberto's government...now I understand why he fled to Spain.
