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A newsletter for expats in Buenos Aires

Interesting... you mention fear of smelling and stepping but (or should I say butt ;)) not of tasting poo.

Makes sense. I knew I've seen you before
You are one sick puppy. You have unlocked my worst fears. Actually, the mosquito issue has me wanting to delay my trip until it is cold out. My friend sent me a photo of her leg today. It is all eaten up. I see the government is going to allow mosquito repellent in. I see all kinds of price gouging. Is BA even enjoyable right now? It doesn't sound like it.
You are one sick puppy. You have unlocked my worst fears. Actually, the mosquito issue has me wanting to delay my trip until it is cold out. My friend sent me a photo of her leg today. It is all eaten up. I see the government is going to allow mosquito repellent in. I see all kinds of price gouging. Is BA even enjoyable right now? It doesn't sound like it.
You were so excited to come, don't let the comment of that ass hat steer you away.
Actually the comments about all the dog sh*t are real. Last week I was in Villa Crespo and was talking on the phone and not paying attention. And I slid on some dog sh*t and fell. I think I fractured my hand but the worse thing is dog sh*t was smeared all over my favorite jacket. People here are disgusting not picking up after their dogs. Who does this sh*t??
Actually the comments about all the dog sh*t are real. Last week I was in Villa Crespo and was talking on the phone and not paying attention. And I slid on some dog sh*t and fell. I think I fractured my hand but the worse thing is dog sh*t was smeared all over my favorite jacket. People here are disgusting not picking up after their dogs. Who does this sh*t??
This is my worst fear! My friend sends me photos to tease me. What goes on in some streets. I see streaks and streaks of stains. It literally sounds like people are slipping all over. Can't they wash the sidewalks each night? I read they wash the sidewalks in Recoleta each night. I'm sorry to go off topic of this post.

I checked out the website and signed up for the newsletter. I just hope I can make it to BA soon.
Actually the comments about all the dog sh*t are real. Last week I was in Villa Crespo and was talking on the phone and not paying attention. And I slid on some dog sh*t and fell. I think I fractured my hand but the worse thing is dog sh*t was smeared all over my favorite jacket. People here are disgusting not picking up after their dogs. Who does this sh*t??
I lived in Paris before the government finally decided to tackle the dog sh*t problem which was much, much worse than what we see in CABA now. I have seen who, for the most part contributes to the problem here: older seniors. While some seniors will bend with great difficulty to pick up after their dogs, some simply can't. We don't have pets, but as daily walkers, we get to see lots of seniors (75+) walking one or two dogs. Some will try to get their pets to poop next to a tree although that does not help the situation much at all.
I lived in Paris before the government finally decided to tackle the dog sh*t problem which was much, much worse than what we see in CABA now. I have seen who, for the most part contributes to the problem here: older seniors. While some seniors will bend with great difficulty to pick up after their dogs, some simply can't. We don't have pets, but as daily walkers, we get to see lots of seniors (75+) walking one or two dogs. Some will try to get their pets to poop next to a tree although that does not help the situation much at all.
Yes. Most of the people that I see that allow their dogs to do this are older. Younger seem to be more responsible but I still see this. Paris was really bad but the government did a good job and now it is not a problem. It is one of those things I wish BA would improve on to have pride in the city. Still too many people don't care.