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Politics “Land of the groundhog” and “Cultural battle”: how the world press analyzed the first 100 days of the Milei government - Infobae

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“Land of the groundhog” and “Cultural battle”: how the world press analyzed the first 100 days of the Milei government - Infobae​



March 19, 2024

Media from different countries focused on reflecting the public spending adjustment measures and the confrontation strategy of the libertarian administration.

Some newspapers and news sites around the world reflected their view on the first 100 days of Javier Milei's government (REUTERS/Agustin Marcarian)
Today, newspapers and international news sites analyzed the first 100 days of Javier Milei 's libertarian government . Among other concepts, they focused on the adjustment of public spending, institutional conflict, the strategy of confrontation with the opposition and cultural battles against the political caste.

“Right-wing populism”​

With a special three articles, the Latin American edition of the newspaper El País , from Spain, presented a critical look at the first steps of Javier Milei's government.

At the top of the cover, he published the note “ Extreme cuts, clash of powers and cultural wars: the keys to Milei's 100 days in the Casa Rosada ”, a chronicle that reviews the adjustment of public spending, the “iron fist” policy in the streets” and against “the left and feminism”, and the political and institutional conflict that he heads of the administration of La Libertad Avanza (LLA).

In addition, he added two editorial texts. One of them with the vision of the Argentine journalist Hugo Alconada Mon , with the title “ Milei, 100 days of right-wing populism in Argentina ”, where he describes the head of state as an “ultra president” who “put many politicians on the defensive.” , whom he subsumes within the 'caste' collective.”

The third column, with the heading “ Confrontation and biases, Milei's hallmarks in his eternal candidate government ,” bears the signature of Mariela Belski, the feminist lawyer who directs Amnesty International. “The Argentine president has opened a new crack, in which only those who think the same as him are valid and the other is discarded as a traitor,” she points out.


The head of the Latin American edition of the newspaper El País

“Repression of protests”​

The Brazilian newspaper O Globo , meanwhile, reconstructed the first quarter of La Libertad Avanza with a particular focus on the coincidence of the date with the day of demonstrations yesterday, Monday, led by the Union of Popular Economy Workers (UTEP). ) and the picketing organizations.

“Since he took office in December, the outsider has faced setbacks in Congress, has implemented his promised “chainsaw” against public spending, has reduced the number of ministries and has achieved a financial surplus, an organization that has cost layoffs, the increase of food and medicine prices, and a hit to utility rates due to the elimination of subsidies. Social tension has increased and Monday was marked by a wave of protests throughout the country," says the text, titled " One Hundred Days of Milei's Government: The Repression of Protests Marks the Date in Argentina ."

The note published by the Brazilian media O Globo
The note published by the Brazilian media O Globo

“Land of the groundhog”​

The newspaper El Observador published only one opinion column in its Uruguayan edition, titled “ Argentina, the land of the marmot ” and signed by the political scientist from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), Fernando Pedrosa .

“Last week's news was that President Javier Milei suffered a severe parliamentary defeat, for which his own Vice President Victoria Villarruel would even be responsible, due to disloyalty or lack of political skills,” the article states.


The Argentine political scientist, Fernando Pedrosa, published an analysis note in the Uruguayan newspaper El Observador

“Cultural battles”​

In the Spanish edition of the BBC website , the media approached the issue from the point of view of the ideological and symbolic dispute that Milei is carrying out from the Presidency.

With the article “ 5 fronts of the 'cultural battle' that Milei promoted in his first 100 days as president of Argentina ”, the text points out that “the libertarian economist has declared that his greatest battle to get Argentina out of its eternal crisis has another origin” and that it is not political or economic, but “moral”, after citing one of his many posts from his account on the X network (ex Twitter).

“This is why one of the president's priorities in his first months in office has been what he calls “ disarming the Gramsci Kultural ,” a play on words that alludes to Kirchnerism, the Peronist political force that governed much of the 21st century. promoting social justice, the expansion of rights and inclusivity as State policies,” states the opinion note published in the British media.

The article published by the Spanish edition of the BBC

“Confrontation and honeymoon”​

Confrontation and adjustment, Milei's hundred days as president of Argentina ,” illustrates the newspaper El Comercio , from Peru.

Based on a cable from the EFE agency , the Peruvian media recalls that Javier Milei is the “first liberal libertarian president” in the world and that despite the “severe economic adjustment that affects the middle and lower classes (elimination of subsidies; devaluation of the official currency; loss of purchasing power of salaries; very high inflation), the 'honeymoon' continues... at least in part."

“According to the latest report by the consulting firm D'Alessio IROL Berensztein, Milei's Government has an approval rating of 43%, but disapproval increases to 52%; Meanwhile, the Giacobbe & Asociados study reflects that the president has a positive image of 53.6% and a negative image of 42.1%,” the analysis text points out.


“Confrontation and adjustment, Milei's hundred days as president of Argentina,” is the title of the article published by El Comercio