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Politics “I want a public university that is not a pile of left-wing students and adults”: Villarruel's message after the educational march - Infobae

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“I want a public university that is not a pile of left-wing students and adults”: Villarruel's message after the educational march - Infobae​



April 24, 2024

The Vice President echoed the massive concentration on Tuesday with a post on her networks. She defended tuition-free education, but ratified the need to guarantee transparency

Victoria Villarruel, Vice President of the Nation

With an extensive message on her social networks, the Vice President of the Nation, Victoria Villarruel , echoed the massive university march held this Tuesday throughout the country. In her post, the leader of La Libertad Avanza defended public education , but reaffirmed her position in favor of auditing institutions and guaranteeing the transparency of the state funds they receive.

At the beginning of her statement, the president of the Senate said that she was a student at the University of Buenos Aires and the National Technological University and gave a brief summary of her time at both faculties.

“I am a daughter of the public university. The one that is recognized throughout the world, the one that trained 3 Argentine Nobel Prize winners in Science and that is synonymous with progress as well as upward social mobility. I studied Law at the UBA and Security at the UTN. The efforts of millions of anonymous Argentines made it possible for thousands like me to enroll in the Public University,” reads the beginning of its publication.

He then referred to the large concentration developed in the last few hours both in downtown Buenos Aires and in different provinces of the country in defense of tariff-free education. He made it faithful to the discourse that he has maintained since even before taking office, confirming that in state educational institutions students suffer “indoctrination.”

The first part of Villarruel's message

"Yesterday, when I saw the massive march, I thought that it is very good to fight for the University but with quality, free, and for everyone, where you think and don't get kicked for saying what you think, where you can study and don't have to see posters of the infamous Che Guevara, Marx or the ladies with the white handkerchiefs who enriched their pockets with a tragedy,” Villarruel exemplified in his message.

Kirchnerism pressured the opposition that went to the march but did not obtain a quorum to discuss university financing
It may interest you:Kirchnerism pressured the opposition that went to the march but did not obtain a quorum to discuss university financing

And he added: " What pride for the Argentines in the public university, but how sad that it is used by those who brought education to its knees , spoke inclusively, distorting the language, injected the poison of their ideologies and justify that Argentines who do not eat pay for university fees for foreigners without any attachment to the Argentina that shelters them.”

Then he made a brief mention of the educational situation that the country has gone through in recent years, pointing to the Kirchnerist governments as the main responsible for many students abandoning their studies.

"Yesterday I thought about the thousands of children who during the K government left school , did not learn anything, do not know how to add, write or subtract and are going to suffer the demagoguery of a slogan that only serves to make political corpses like CFK, Massa , Tati Almeyda or Pérez Esquivel have 5 more minutes of fame at the expense of others, as it always was,” wrote the Vice President.


The second part of Villarruel's message
In this sense, he described the type of university he wants to have in Argentina: “I want a Public University that is pride, not a bunch of left-wing students and adults, I want a UBA where you can speak and think as you want without "the thought police are imposed on you."

And he concluded: “And mainly I want a UBA where the money of all Argentines is not wasted to bank the kiosks and the thirst for fresh blood of the usual parasites. Public education is a right, but auditing and guaranteeing transparency is an obligation.”

Yesterday, while the massive Federal Education March
was taking place , in the Casa Rosada they warned that there is no audit underway, nor plans to move forward with a plan in that regard in the short term. Eager to tone down the discussion they began last week, they recognized, instead, that carrying it out would be the responsibility of the Auditor General of the Nation (AGN) and not the national government, as they had announced last week in the section most bellicose of the discussion that became more complex as the columns of students advanced towards the Plaza de Mayo.