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univerity march

  1. Melibaires

    Education A sensitive issue in Argentine society that could tarnish Milei's image: Cutbacks in public education

    Many of us who support Milei in his entire management don't agree with this crazy idea of cutting back on public education, as surveys demonstrate. Although we continue to make sacrifices and endure all the increases because we understand the reasoning, we will not accept that public education...
  2. All the Answers

    Politics The data that reveals the strong political commitment that the CGT will make to adhere to the Federal University March - Infobae

    The data that reveals the strong political commitment that the CGT will make to adhere to the Federal University March - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/04/22/el-dato-que-revela-la-fuerte-apuesta-politica-que-hara-la-cgt-para-adherir-a-la-marcha-universitaria-federal/...