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travel planning

  1. TripMe

    Trip Reports Vivamos Buenos Aires - The best site to tour Argentina!

    Hello everyone. Today I come to recommend an instagram user who uploads content on everything in Buenos Aires from cafes to hidden historical places. From this account I'm getting all my Buenos Aires tours when I experience them in person I post them in this forum! If you want to look for...
  2. C

    Apartment Rental hotels.com

    Does anyone know hotels.com ? Is this a trustworthy company?
  3. P

    Travel Flight to Miami January 2013

    Hello All, Does anybody have any tips on how to get an economical airfare from Buenos Aires to Miami.... leaving December 31 o 1 and returning January 30, 31. Thanks in advance.
  4. A

    Travel Bringing car tires with me on a plane

    Hello everyone, i am in need of a set of new tires for my truck. Unfortunatly i am not able to find the size ant type of tires that i need, here in Argentina.So i was thinking bringing it with me on a plane. Do you think i would be able to do it. Since each tire is about $250,and there would be...