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  1. Karina Milei

    Politics Economy Class President: How Milei’s Flying Commercial Symbolizes Sweeping Aviation Reforms

    I'm proud of my brother flying Commercial. (My idea). https://viewfromthewing.com/economy-class-president-how-mileis-flying-commercial-symbolizes-sweeping-aviation-reforms/
  2. Aussieland

    Economy Milei Sets Up Argentina Privatizations for Airline, YPF - Bloomberg News

    It's starting. Let the sales begin! May the highest bidder win! Milei will give new meaning to the term "Black Friday"...
  3. earlyretirement

    Real Estate Sales Fabulous article that details how Argentina went from Being the wealthiest country in world to now

    I came across this excellent read. I'm always amazed how Argentina went from being one of the wealthiest to this. https://www.bowtiedmara.io/p/argentinas-century-long-decline