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Recent content by salsa verde

  1. S

    Wow Buenos Aires has gone downhill in the past few years! Sad!

    Yep I travel for work all the time. All over US, Europe and Asia. I mentioned COVID because I have been coming to BA for a while now and even with prior horrible economy I haven't seen the dire mood that I see now. How long have you been coming to BA? Not sure why you are knocking me for...
  2. S

    Wow Buenos Aires has gone downhill in the past few years! Sad!

    What I was especially shocked at is all the vandalism on buildings. Things weren't this bad when I was last here. A lot of anger out there. I hope it does not get worse!
  3. S

    Wow Buenos Aires has gone downhill in the past few years! Sad!

    Yes I am in shock. No I am not living under a rock. I am simply stating how downhill the city has gone and I am wondering if it is covid or other things. Yes I have been to many cities and I don't see that drastic of a change. Sure some metro areas it has gotten worse but not like what I...
  4. S

    Wow Buenos Aires has gone downhill in the past few years! Sad!

    Wow I'm in shock. I used to come down to Buenos Aires more frequently but it was before COVID-19 that I was able to visit. That was in late 2019. I previously have spent a lot of time in Buenos Aires even working here remotely for 5 years. I recently came back last week and I am in utter and...