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Recent content by Aussieland

  1. Aussieland

    Politics Thread: President Javier Milei - Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) in real-time

    Milei is a total rockstar. But I don't think it's a good idea to pick fights like this. But maybe that is the attention to get more eyeballs and attention. He is very popular in Europe for his ideology. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/clee52y766jo
  2. Aussieland

    Politics Thread: President Javier Milei - Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) in real-time

    I agree. Part of why so many people outside of Argentina like him. Many in other countries want to elect someone to their countries like him. I saw this on Sky News yesterday in Australia.
  3. Aussieland

    Politics Elon Musk calls to invest in Argentina after meeting up with Milei in LA

    At least La Libertad Avanza seems to be picking up steam.
  4. Aussieland

    Help! I'm getting married to an Argentine and have my permanent resident interview after marriage. What evidence is needed?

    Yes same thing happened to me. I think lazy workers say they tried to attempt delivery but they just didn't do it. I have a maid that is there every day. Someone is always home and this happened a few times over the years. Avoid Correo Argentina!!
  5. Aussieland

    Help! I'm getting married to an Argentine and have my permanent resident interview after marriage. What evidence is needed?

    Oh my lord!! This is really horrible. This country is broken. I hate when things like this happen. I will pray for you!
  6. Aussieland

    Visas Work visa with a record??? HELP

    I have heard from friends on both sides that had things come up from their youth and others say simple things didn't come up. To be honest I am not sure which is true. I had to do the criminal background check and as you can read from some of the posts that they are very strict. Look at...
  7. Aussieland

    Other possible towns in Argentina for digital nomad to live that doesn't have issues?

    I enjoy your posts but you have to be the only one that is in denial that inflation is been bad the past few months. True blue rate is going back up but even in US dollar prices, just about every single restaurant has gone up drastically. Simple food like empanadas are even going up but that...
  8. Aussieland

    Banking Credit Card real-world rate "MEP" transaction repo (Dec2023)

    Aussieland ordered a Subway sandwhich last night on Rappi. Aussieland use their Visa card from US dollar account in Europe. 6,919.50 pesos for a sandwich. Was charged in US Dollars $6.30. That is a charge of 1,098.33 : $1. This was after midnight so you could use for today.
  9. Aussieland

    Other possible towns in Argentina for digital nomad to live that doesn't have issues?

    I agree things are getting pricey here. I paid $6.50 USD last night for a Subway Sandwich on Rappi. Not too much less than I paid in the USA. Although in the USA they didn't bring it to my flat.
  10. Aussieland

    Western Union

    This is like Groundhog's Day. I sent myself some funds this morning via the App that I will pick up here in a bit and I also got 1,134.90 to $1USD. So more of the same today.
  11. Aussieland

    Price of Beef will skyrocket at Parillas and steak restaurants! Good time to become a vegeterian!

    Oh, pretty please, Mileistas and Milei enthusiasts, enlighten me! Show me the magical realm where the "caste" has graciously opened their wallets for this grand adjustment we're all supposed to be embracing. I've got a laundry list of ways the poor and working poor are feeling the squeeze, but...
  12. Aussieland

    Love Advice - Fell in love with an escort in Buenos Aires - Is it real love?

    Aussieland wants to read Bianca Drugged Me.
  13. Aussieland

    Real Estate Sales Great New Construction For Sale that is going to be Completed by August 2024 - Meet Palermo

    That is exactly correct. Many locals buy with the intention of flipping. Many investors invest in these pozo projects just to flip them before the building is done. I have done this 3 times and has always worked out well. Properties always go up in value from the time they start to the time...
  14. Aussieland

    Love Advice - Fell in love with an escort in Buenos Aires - Is it real love?

    Wow. Sorry about your spouse. Tough situation all around but in the end I think love can happen this way. What do you have to lose? Try it and see.
  15. Aussieland

    Is the Expat party in Buenos Aires coming to an end?

    I totally agree this issue doesn't get enough love. So, check it: anything rolled out with the whole DNU vibe can be easily rolled back, like, poof! And the whole money scene? We went from "cepo" under CFK to "No Cepo" with Macri, then did a 180 to "SUPER Cepo" with Alberto, and now we're...