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Apartment Rental Temporary rental tenant rights?


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Temporary rental tenant rights?


I'm renting a furnished place on a 5 month contract, all in US dollars. I'm on a tourist visa and the contract was not signed with an escribano or anything.
All informal, one month of rent in advance, one month commision and one month deposit.

However the real estate agent is incredibly unprofessional and is not delivering on previous promises and now even ghosting me, the last day to pay for the second month's rent without interest accruing is approaching and she hasn't even told me how to pay rent! (we agreed it will be in cash but she hasn't told me who I'm supposed to give it to, and I don't want to ask when she currently ghosted me after telling me multiple times she will talk to me "en breve").

I'm wondering what are my rights as a tenant, worst case scenario I want to withhold payment to force the real estate agent to at least communicate better with me and deal with the issues I was promised would be fixed when I moved in.

To clarify I do intend on paying and I have the cash ready. My building has an electronic lock and keypad I just don't want to play the bad guy for a week and find they changed the lock to my apartment or something crazy like that.

I would rather resolve this on good terms I just want to know my rights (if any) to know how much power I have confronting the real estate agent.

Worst case I was thinking of just not paying the second month's rent and staying for an extra 2 weeks until I find another place before leaving in order to at least make use of my month's deposit as now at this point I don't trust the agent to return my deposit at the end of the contract.
Where did you find this apartment? Regardless, as she's is your go-between you and the owner, at least for the time being, you'll have to maintain communication with her. Do you know if the realtor has an office? If you feel that things aren't correct, I recommend that you contact an attorney ASAP to find out what your rights are.
My 2 cents. Just contact the realtor again , fixing things here takes time, patience ... Going to court will cost you a lot . Ultimately tell him you will fix stuff and deduct it from rent..! Read your rights below You are right you may never get the deposit back if you signed for 5 months
