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Newcomer How difficult is it to access home ownership in Argentina?


New member
I've heard and read in many places that for the general population in Argentina, accessing home ownership is almost an impossible dream to fulfill. That's why the majority of young people live in rented houses or apartments, which I imagine causes a lot of frustration. More and more young adults continue to live with their parents. Do these new bank loans that have been launched help improve this situation?

Yes, I have friends here in Argentina, and most of them don't own homes; they rent apartments instead. It's very difficult to buy property here due to its high cost. We'll see what happens now with these new mortgage loans; hopefully, things will improve in that aspect.
Becoming a homeowner is a utopia, thanks to successive devaluations since 2018, rampant inflation, and incomes persistently losing ground against inflation. This story is not new. Today, 'choosing' to own property is a luxury that few can afford; this has been the case for most of recent history, except for the two years when the opportunity of UVA loans opened up, 2017-2018, which have now returned. Let's hope they improve this situation and allow more young people to access their own homes.
The paying all cash up front with no mortgage thing hurts. But if you look at the USA now there are a large segment of society that owns their homes outright now without a mortgage which is surprising to see. But every year it seems like large private equity companies are buying the properties to rent them out as investments.