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Dear Sir/Madam,
We are a couple with one daughter of 13 years old and want to settle down in Argentina. We are looking for some kindness and helpful information for the following questions.

1) Needed documents to apply for a Rentista Visa, do we need a lawyer for this or not?

2) What are the fees in Argentina for a International School concerning our daughter who is in Gr. 8?

Thanks for your helpful information and time.

With the best regards,
There are two international schools - Lincoln and BAICA. The former is extremely expensive; the latter less so but it is evangelical Protestant so that may or may not suit you. Other private schools are "bilingual" and cater almost exclusively to Argentines but they will accept your child if you decde that you don't want the interational school. For the Restista visa you should consult an immigration lawyer. Make sure you get a specialist in immigration. Doing it on your own will be very complicted, if not impossible.
The first thing I did after reading your post was to see of there is an Argentine Embassy or Consulate general in Georgia. I did not find either on the list.

If there was (or is) you could ask there about the visa rentista. If they say they never heard of such a visa you would know there is a "policy" of excluding citizens of your country from migrating to Argentina, even though they may qualify for this category of residency.

The second thing I did was check to see if passport holders from Georgia could enter Argentina without first obtaining a 90 day "tourist" visa in advance. Georgia is on the list of the counties which are exempt.

I know from personal experience it is possible to apply for the visa rentista after arriving in Argentina on a tourist visa. I had not planned on doing so prior to my arrival, so it took a great deal more effort to get the required documents sent from the USA than it would have if I had arrived with the prior intention of apply for the visa.

If you are completely prepared when you arrive you may be able to submit the documents required to obtain the visa without the help (or expense) of a lawyer. Legal representation is not require by migraciones. If you do need a lawyer I suggest you be sure that lawyer is licensed in Argentina and will provide a factura (legal receipt) for his or her services.

If you don't speak Spanish there is a woman who is a member of this forum who can accompany you to migraciones when you submit your documents. She has successfully helped a number of members (including me) get the visa rentista. She charges much less than any lawyer or gestor.

Please don't hesitate to ask additional questions!

Here are the requisites for the visa rentista (from the Argentine Migraciones website):



Cédula de Identidad, Pasaporte o Certificado de Nacionalidad con foto, originales. Estos documentos deberán encontrarse vigentes y en buen estado de conservación.

- CERTIFICADO DE ANTECEDENTES PENALES ARGENTINOS Emitido por Registro Nacional de Reincidencia o Policía Federal. Solo exigible a mayores de 16 años.

- CERTIFICADO QUE ACREDITE FEHACIENTEMENTE QUE NO REGISTRA CONDENAS ANTERIORES NI PROCESOS PENALES EN TRÁMITE emitidos por las autoridades competentes de los países donde haya residido por un plazo superior a UN (1) año, durante el transcurso de los últimos TRES (3) años. Solo exigible a mayores de 16 (dieciséis) años.

- DECLARACION JURADA de carencia de antecedentes penales en otros países, (será confeccionada en migraciones al momento de la solicitud de residencia).

- INGRESO. Sello de ingreso al país estampado en el documento de viaje o en la tarjeta migratoria.


- UNA FOTO 4x4 COLOR (Deberá ser actual, tomada de frente, medio busto, con la cabeza totalmente descubierta, color, con fondo uniforme blanco y liso, permitiendo apreciar fielmente y en toda su plenitud los rasgos faciales de su titular al momento de realizar el trámite).

$6000 + $100 DNI

- Deberá acreditar ante la DIRECCION NACIONAL DE MIGRACIONES el origen de los fondos y su ingreso al país, por intermedio de instituciones bancarias o financieras autorizadas por el BANCO CENTRAL DE LA REPUBLICA ARGENTINA. Asimismo, deberá probar que el monto de las rentas que perciba resulta suficiente para atender a su manutención y la de su grupo familiar primario. A los fines de otorgar la residencia, se tomarán en cuenta las disposiciones de la Ley N° 25.246, sobre Encubrimiento y Lavado de Activos de origen delictivo. A fin de poder acceder a una residencia temporaria en carácter de rentista, el monto mínimo requerido es de $ 30.000 (PESOS TREINTA MIL)



• Toda documentación expedida en el extranjero deberá contar con la legalización del Consulado Argentino, sito en el país emisor del documento Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Comercio Internacional y Culto, o Apostillada, si el país hubiera ratificado el Convenio de La Haya.
• Sin perjuicio de lo dispuesto en los acuerdos o convenciones internacionales vigentes, toda documentación expedida por las representaciones consulares en el territorio nacional, deberá contar con la legalización del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Comercio Internacional y Culto, excepto MERCOSUR.
• Toda documentación expedida en idioma extranjero deberá contar con la traducción al castellano efectuada por Traductor Público Nacional (Art. 6° Ley 20.305) y legalizada por el Colegio de Traductores.
• La documentación a presentar deberá ser original. La Dirección Nacional de Migraciones podrá solicitar, si así lo considerase necesario, documentación adicional a la detallada
Lorena is wonderful - http://www.argentinaresidency.com/immigration-testimonials.php She has helped many of my friends over the years.
I beg to differ. The fact that she claims on her website right from the first time I met her in 2008 till present day in 2018, that it take 5 years to apply for citizenship - is a blatant lie and I am sure she is aware of it. I respect her business model of helping English speaking foreigners first time in BA but to claim that it takes 5 years to apply for citizenship, is not very heartwarming.
Hmm. I'm not sure what is on her website. I used her many, many years ago. I have permanent residency and I believe after 3 years she told me I could get citizenship at the time but I didn't see the need so I never got it. I can only go by my experience with her and also as mentioned I know at least 15 people that used her and all had positive experiences.

But I can't speak to what is or isn't on her website as I never have read it. And I haven't spoken to her in many, many years but as mentioned, had a great experience with her.