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I recently received acceptance to pursue a master's program at Flacso and am now navigating the process of renting an apartment on a student budget in Buenos Aires. I've heard from Argentine friends that a crucial document called a "guarantee" is often required to secure affordable rental options in pesos.

I'm curious to know if it's common for foreigners to pay their rent in USD, or if it's feasible to find apartments where payment can be made in Pesos. As a newcomer to this platform, any insights on the rental process, recommendations on neighborhoods (barrios) that are budget-friendly for students, or general advice on apartment hunting in Buenos Aires would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!
I´ve read this bit about a guarantee on the ministry of ed website that offers advice to foreign students....

Landlords usually require the submittal of a local real-property security interest, intended to secure rent and utilities payment, since, in the event of failure of tenant to pay, the duty of payment shall fall on the guarantor whose real property is held as a security interest. Given that such a requirement is indeed "troublesome" for a foreign student to meet, there exist some landlords, who, fortunately, waive this requirement, eventually replacing it by either a higher safety deposit (an amount intended to cover eventual damage on property or unpaid utitilies/expenses) or the advanced payment of some monthly rents.
I suggest you look for a room at a pension. There is a cheap one called la Toja at Tucuman and Junin. Just a few meters from there, on Junin, there is another very nice. It is the building where the hair dresser is.
The funny thing is many owners won't let you act as your own garantia even if you own many properties. I own many properties in the city yet when I went to rent the first time many years ago, they wouldn't allow me to use any of my personal properties for it. I thought that was strange.....

But with these crazy laws that protect the tenants and not the owners I'd never do a long term lease on any of my places without a garantia....