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Education Government to launch "vouchers" to buy school supplies and "financing for students".


"There will be vouchers and financing for students. Ministers (Sandra) Pettovello and (Luis) Caputo are working on it. We are very close to announcing that," said Milei.

President Javier Milei announced the implementation of vouchers for the purchase of school supplies and an aid to pay for private schools as a measure to support the middle class. In addition, the Government extended the exemption of employer contributions to private schools until the end of the year, avoiding a significant increase in school fees. This measure has been extended since 2001 and was established by the Social Solidarity Law in 2019. The extension seeks to avoid a negative impact on the economy of families and to promote inclusive education throughout the country.


President Javier Milei criticized provincial governors for not wanting to adjust the deficit of their districts, stating that they still think with the logic of the "red circle". In an interview, he lashed out at the governor of Córdoba, Martín Llaryora, and rejected the idea of apologizing to him. Milei considered the parliamentary rejection of the "Bases" bill as a triumph and accused the governors of not understanding the situation. He pointed out that the bill included fiscal measures to help the provinces to cut their deficits, but they interpreted it as weakness. He also criticized the spending on official advertising and the lack of investment in public works, arguing that they should be carried out by the private sector.