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Recent content by PhelipCer

  1. P

    Real Estate Sales Who are buying houses?

    I have worked in real estate many years in Buenos Aires now retired from that but can say clearly that the listing price of properties are just guides . Even in great markets the selling prices were much less than the listing price . I believe now you can get up to 50% off the asking price for...
  2. P

    Economy Argentina downgraded to nearly junk status

    Miltom why are the people only responsible for the corruption and blatant mismanegement of the argentinian economy I believe that the politicians who make these decisions without a referendum must also accept responsibility and pay as well . I find it outrageous that these politicians just jump...
  3. P

    Economy Argentina downgraded to nearly junk status

    The powers that control Argentina want to punish her for expressing their collective vote and saying no to austerity and servitude. People voted against Macri due to their terrible financial situation . Unfortunately I believe it will get much worse if Argentina defaults...
  4. P

    Economy Wham here comes the tsunami

    I like to make it clear once and for all I am not a peronist nor want a return to the past . I also voted for Macri hoping for a positive change and like everyone in Argentina we were left with egg on our faces. In regards to the 10 % loading up on investments when there is blood on the streets...
  5. P

    Economy Wham here comes the tsunami

    Economies should not be manipulated as to benefit a small percentage of the population . How many people in Argentina can benefit in a crash maybe 10 % at most who have a lot of money that can be used to buy up big when there is blood of the streets . This is financial terrorism of the worse...
  6. P

    Real Estate Sales How has the high end luxury property market been affected by Black Monday?

    Please advise us all where you have brought in Buienos Aires in the past and approximate values . Im sure this will be interesting for our members .
  7. P

    Economy Stock market collapse

    https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-08-12/argentina-s-46-stock-rout-second-biggest-in-past-70-years What is happening in Argentina now is just a harbinger for a much worse scenario in the coming year . I do not believe that most expats realise how bad it will get there in Buenos Aires...
  8. P

    Banking Transferring a large sum of Money From the UK at minimum cost and risk

    To transfer money into Argentina is not that expensive and at most is 4% and less . I have been working in real estate transactions here for over 10 years and now it is easier than ever to transfer money into Argentina or send money out of Argentina . Santander Rio is completely wrong in their...
  9. P

    Newcomer Argentina Me Too Movement

    https://www.washingtonpost.com/ente...ory.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.1dd49069a962 Interesting case that has recieved a tremendous amount of local and international press . I like to hear your opinions on this topic and its impact on Argentinian society
  10. P

    Politics Security in Don Julio G20

    Incredible security in Don Julio for the G20 https://www.lanacion.com.ar/2198263-curiosidades-del-g20-insolito-pedido-custodios-del Last night Ángela Merkel enjoyed Argentina premium steak at Don Julio
  11. P

    Real Estate News When will property be cheap in Buenos Aires?

    The best person to ask is Garryl a member and realtor on this forum who recently brought real estate in Athens
  12. P

    Real Estate News When will property be cheap in Buenos Aires?

    Why not Greece property prices in Athens are cheap and has more tourists than most parts of Spain good for short term rentals
  13. P

    Real Estate News When will property be cheap in Buenos Aires?

    Prices can crash as proven by many real estate markets over the last 10 years . Athens Greece has the cheapest property price per metre in Continental Europe and has fallen 50% ( and this with a strong currency) . Venezuela with a similar currency to Argentina has fallen 90% . Caracas just 10...
  14. P

    Real Estate News When will property be cheap in Buenos Aires?

    Having worked as a real estate agent in Buenos Aires for over a decade, I can attest that the current market conditions are more challenging than ever, surpassing even the difficulties during Christina's cepo cambiaria era. Based on my calculations, property sales have plummeted by a staggering...
  15. P

    Real Estate News When will property be cheap in Buenos Aires?

    Real estate in Buenos Aires has traditionally carried a hefty price tag, especially considering the prevalent use of cash in transactions, high buying and selling costs, and the common lack of renovations in most apartments over the last 30 years. My initial property acquisition, priced at...