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Recent content by KurtLard

  1. K

    Newcomer World media in overdrive on Argentina

    If cession of Patagonian lands as part of an Argentine debt restructuring is a concern, I would sleep soundly at night. This is so unlikely as to not even be worthy of consideration. First, the original bond indentures, which will govern any Argentine debt restructuring, did not collateralize...
  2. K

    Real Estate Sales Attempted Home Invasion

    Thanks everyone. My wife should get her immigrant visa before the end of the year, then we're moving back to the US to a quite suburb outside of Seattle. A dog is the best idea, but given the short time frame I don't think it makes sense. Traveling with a dog would add a lot of complexity. I...
  3. K

    Real Estate Sales Attempted Home Invasion

    I'm in the US on business, a group of 3 or 4 tried to break into our house in Corrientes around 3 am. They had climbed onto the 1st floor roof and tried to break in through 2nd floor windows. They triggered the alarm and ran off before the private security guard drove over. My wife and kids are...
  4. K

    Travel Anulling passports????

    Not sure about annulling passports, but it looks like AFIP wants to get its hand on passenger lists of those who travel outside the country to see if they're evading taxes... http://m.tn.com.ar/sociedad/control-de-la-afip-a-los-viajeros_269879
  5. K

    Newcomer Who's considering it after thinking they would never...?

    I've discussed the details in another thread, the reasons cited here plus crime and the fact that Microsoft made a fantastic offer convinced us to move. The crime rate is terrible in Buenos Aires, and its gotten bad here, 500 miles north, in Corrientes too. Our backup generator was stole from...
  6. K

    Food & Drink Rare imported delicacies found at Carrefour in Corrientes

    I'm glad this turned into a lively thread:) David, thanks for your compliments about my posts overall:) If you don't have young kids then you don't know what its like constantly telling them 'no' to McDonalds, Coke, Dr. Pepper, etc. Most parents make accomodations, so we let our kids have Sprite...
  7. K

    Food & Drink Rare imported delicacies found at Carrefour in Corrientes

    It both saddened and ammused me to see how excited my kids and I got when we found Pepperidge Farms Goldfish (both original and chedder!) and Double-chocolate Nantucket cookies at the big Carrefour near our house. Its been about 18 months since we saw any Goldfish crackers at any grocery store...
  8. K

    Banking 15% surcharge on foreign transactions on Argentine credit cards starting Sep 1

    This country is totally FUBAR. What amazing asshole thing will they think of next.